Good Days...Bad Days With Maureen Pratt

One of the techniques I try to use whenever I’m in a quandry over something regarding my health is to ask, “What if I were not me? What if I were my mother? My sister? My friend? What would I say? Do? Pray over?” This helps me take the sometimes-frustrated or “at sea” me out…

Whether your day has passed or is coming up, we all will age one more year this year and onward. We cannot turn back the clock, but we can turn on grace as we move ahead. Here’s a prayer for Grace-full Aging: Oh, Lord, I am getting older. It doesn’t feel exactly comfortable, and when…

Oh, yes, I know about the scientific studies and the group research touting its benefits. I know all about the mechanics and the music of it. But sometimes, it is difficult to find the gift and the boost of laughter. Suggestion for today:  Perhaps you are having a bad day, or know someone who is…

One of my favorite subjects was and still is history. I think we can learn a lot about our todays and our futures by learning from the past. For example – think about how hard life was in the 18th and 19th centuries, how undeveloped medical science was and how short “average” lifespans were. Yet,…

Seagulls regularly land on my skylights and attempt to crack open shells. Invariably, they make a ruckus! But they also tend to lose their footing rather quicky and slide down, making a screeching noise reminiscent of fingers on chalkboard. Does this deter them? Oh, no. They try to climb right back up again. And again.…

During long days at high school band practice, baking under the blazing August sun and sweating buckets, I learned the importance of hydration – replacing the fluid our bodies lose under such circumstances.  Water, sports’ drinks, whatever our doctors tell us to do – hydration is vital. But what about times when we “sweat” in…

A harsh word, a sudden move, an angry outburst – we’ve all made them and felt them from others. Not uplifting or comforting, these brusk and sometimes brutal actions. For today’s TLC Tuesday, the word and action is “gently.” Gently steer yourself today, praying for patience and love to fill your life. Gently approach others,…

Some days, I just hurt. I hurt so badly that it’s difficult to tell where the pain is coming from, let alone what to do to make it better. Some days, there’s no easy way around or through it. We work with our doctors, we do what we can, but, inevitably, we realize there is…

Adapting to life with a health problem often brings new ways to live and new things to buy. I lost my hair because of lupus – I had to buy wigs. My wardrobe changed drastically because, whenever I go outside during the day, I have to wear long sleeves and wide-brimmed hats (no more shorts…

Tuesday can be a neglected day of the week. Most of the others have some kind of identity, but poor little Tuesday can be left out. Beginning today, each Tuesday will be “TLC Tuesday” on my blog. No matter if it’s a good day or a bad day, I encourage each of us to take…

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