Good Days...Bad Days With Maureen Pratt

When we’re angry, do we automatically feel we’re justified simply because we feel the anger? Or, could there be other reasons about which we might have some control? As summer heat matures, pressing down more harshly on certain parts of the country, I’m reminded of a theory I learned about in a French history class: Many of…

Chronic illness can lead to major changes in our lives, especially in our bodies. Weight gain or loss, skin tone alterations, hair loss or over-furry growth – these and other things can occur along the way and we have to make adjustments.  And we might find that the things we used to wear, use, live…

Home! Usually, at some point late in a vacation, your thoughts turn back to home. In some cases, you are having such a good time away that the thought of returning there is unpleasant. But often, we look forward to getting back home…although we know that extra work awaits. First, there is unpacking, laundry, sorting…

As I type this, I am watching the coverage from Rio, where Pope Francis is participating in the 28th World Youth Day. With amazing stamina and overt joy, the Holy Father seems to be throwing himself into all of his activities, “small” and “large.” Visiting the poor, stopping to bless the sick, addressing the estimated…

You’ve arrived! You made it through the lines and long hours of travel, and now you’ve arrived at your vacation destination. How are you feeling? Exhausted? Good? Or, a combination of the two? Or, something else? When we take our illness on the road, our experience is a bit different from that of our fellow…

Vacations can be relaxing, rejuvenating, exciting, and wonderful. But when you have a chronic illness, well, vacations can be something else entirely. As much as we wish it weren’t so, chronic illness doesn’t take a vacation. No matter how many frequent flyer miles we have, or how terrific it is to see friends and family,…

In the aftermath of life crises, loss, or a new diagnosis, people often tell us “take your time.” Indeed, we need time to digest what has happened and how it will affect our lives going forward. But we might also hear, “it’s too soon…” or “don’t you think it’s time you…” and these questions, often…

So, with three major life crises occurring within days of each other, and these having followed on the heels of a major lupus flare and significant medicine changes, I have a totally new perspective on that familiar throw-away line, “Have a great day!” Right up there with, “Have an awesome day!” and closely related to…

Ah! If only we could control our illness and pain! At least then we might be able to pick and choose the times and days when these awful challenges could stay in the background, corralled, quieted. But, unfortunately, much like Hans Brinker who tried to stop leaks in the dike by plugging them with his…

Perhaps one of the reasons so many of us with chronic illnes identify with the biblical tale of Job is that we have (or are) lived it (living it). Recent time has certainly been like that for me, not just in terms of health issues, but also life “happening” (this will surely be the stuff…

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