I told you yesterday about a creepy video made by Obama supporters that used the worship song Sanctuary as a soundtrack for dozens of people chanting Barak Obama, with a New Age mantra scrolling across the screen.The video has been taken off YouTube.com but I told you I’d keep looking for a link so you could see it for yourself.Well, thanks to TruNews.com’s Marshall Washburn for sending along a link to the Manifest Obama video. A little more digging lead me to a site where I could grab the video. Hopefully it’ll stay up long enough for you to see it.So, what do you think? Creepy? Cult-like? Offensive use of a worship song?RELATED POSTIs Obama Your Sanctuary?The Democratic Party is trying to woo Christian music fansMusic promoter Rick Hendrix makes a run for Congress; do music and politics mix?Diamond Rio meets presidential candidate John McCainFuture of Forestry cancels gig when event adds political speaker

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