WhereAmIWearing.jpgOK, this doesn’t have to do with Christian music. In fact, it doesn’t have to do with Christianity at all. But I’m so excited about this I wanted to share it with you.
My Erma conference pal Kelsey Timmerman is getting ready to release his book, Where Am I Wearing? and TIME magazine reviewed it. (Scroll all the way to the bottom.) Way to go, Kelsey!
Here’s the book description:

Ninety-seven percent of our clothes are made overseas. Yet globalization makes it difficult to know much about the origin of the products we buy–beyond the standard “Made in” label. So journalist and blogger Kelsey Timmerman decided to visit each of the countries and factories where his five favorite items of clothing were made and meet the workers. He knew the basics of globalized labor–the forces, processes, economics, and politics at work. But what was lost among all those facts and numbers was an understanding of the lives, personalities, hopes, and dreams of the people who made his clothes.

Kelsey is an amusing and engaging guy, and he tells a good story, so I’m sure the book will not only enlighten readers about how their consumer choices affect the world, but make you giggle.
And you know what? Understanding how the global marketplace is affected by our consumer choices, and seeing the responsibility we have to care for people around the world really does have something to do with Christianity, even if Kelsey and his book don’t have anything to do with religion.
To learn more, visit the Where Am I Wearing blog.

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