AmericanIdolRatPack.JPGLast night, the remaining five American Idol contestants performed songs from the Rat Pack, and they proved why they’re the best of this season. It’s difficult to predict who’s going home. Even, which tracks the busy signals for the voting phone lines, has the contestants in a dead heat, with a Kris Allen and Matt Giraud at the bottom of the list, but not by much.
Honestly, it’s tough to call this one. I think Matt may go home, but certainly not because he deserves it. Then again, Allison has been in the bottom three a few times, too. But she wowed the audience last night with her best performance of the season.

We’ll find out tonight! Join me here as I blog live tonight during the American Idol Top 5 results show!

And in case you didn’t see it, I’m going out on a limb and predicting Kris Allen to win this season. Just working a hunch.
8:44 PM – I’m just watching “America’s Next Top Model”; I always forget it’s on on Wednesday night. I usually watch the rerun on Fridays. I love that so many of you are sharing your thoughts on the show! I can’t believe there are only three weeks left!

And we’re off!

Wow, Ryan says that more than 47 million votes were cast last night. That’s a lot of votes! Simon says that last night everybody was good, adding it was one of the best shows at this stage he’s seen. I would agree. Tonight we’ll get performances from Taylor Hicks, Natalie Cole and Jamie Foxx.
The Top 5 are performing “It Don’t Mean A Thing” and “I’ve Got Rhythm. Matt sounds waaay better tonight. In fact, this is seriously the most talented Top 5 I’ve seen. None of them deserve to go home tonight.
Ok, that new Minute Maid fruit juice commercial, where the woman says to the guy on the elevator, “I think you’re the father of one of my kids” and he says, “Spring Break 1999?” but she really is his kids teacher – father of on of her kids, as in students – is hilarious. The first time. Once you know the joke it’s not funny any more. Did I spoil that joke for you?
We’re back! Danny and Allison celebrated birthdays this past week, so they all made cakes. And then had a food fight. OMG, what a mess! Ryan hands Danny an envelope with a bill for the maid service for $6,000, since he started it. Ha ha.
On to the results.
Up first is Matt Giraud, and Ryan sends him to the right side of the stage.
Danny is up next (Ryan’s not calling them in the order they’re standing … hmm ..), and Ryan asks Danny to comment on Simon’s feedback and how he followed the advice. Ryan sends Danny to the left side of the stage.
Allison is up and Ryan sends her to next to Danny.
Kris is up (and the crowd cheers). Ryan sends Kris to stand next to Matt. Hmmm.

Adam is up (he’s is soooo tall, especially standing next to Ryan). Ryan and Adam move to the center of the stage, and Ryan asks Adam which group he thinks he belongs in. It’s awkward when Ryan asks that question and contestants never answer. Adam picks Danny and Allison – and it’s the wrong group!
The bottom three: Kris, Adam and Matt! Holy smokes!! Everyone is shocked. But someone has to go. And Simon gives props to Danny and Allison, who are the top two contestants tonight. Randy reminds everyone that even though they judges have to critique all five of those contestants are great.
So … with that bottom three, who do you think is going home? I’m going out on a limb again and I think Adam and Matt will be the bottom two. Am I crazy? Probably.
Natalie Cole is so classy; what a great way to introduce sophistocated jazzy music to a whole generation of kids. Much better entertainment than crappy rappers and bizarre acts. This whole genre is really the best show Idol has done in a long, long time. Just shows that the music industry doesn’t have to be raunchy or weird. Maybe class will make a comeback. Wow, Natalie Cole is really tall, too!
Even Allison and Danny look a little shocked that they’re safe, and Kris, Matt and Adam are backstage. Taylor Hicks will perform before we find out which of those three are safe.
Taylor Hicks is performing “7 Mile Breakdown” from his new album. This is good stuff. I’ll bet he’s lots of fun live in concert. I’ll bet he’s great in a smaller venue, where it’s easier for the artist to be intimate with the audience. Taylor’s lost some weight; he looks great. He’s touring with “Grease” playing Teen Angel and has a new album out, The Distance.
Oooo, Kris, Matt and Adam are coming out. One of them is safe, and it’s … hold your breath … Kris? … It’s Kris … I’M RIGHT!! I’m telling you … Adam is going to be this season’s Chris Daughtry. I think he’s going to go home before everyone expects him to and then go on to be hugely successful. Just a hunch.
No offense to Jamie Foxx, but after Natalie Cole and Taylor Hicks, he looks ridiculous.
So who goes home? We have Matt, who’s been in the bottom several times, and Adam, who has skated through every week, deservedly so. it would seem like a no brainer that Adam would stay, but this show is tricky tricky tricky. There were a lot of votes cast last night.

Here we go – will it be a shocker? Nope, Adam is safe, Matt goes home. Does that mean that Adam was second to last?

Honestly, this isn’t the last we’ve heard from Matt. He’s already released two indie CDs and a label is going to scoop him up Of course, he owes his time to Idol, for the tour and however long his contract binds him to them. But he’s clearly got a huge fanbase, and as he says, he’s the “cat with nine lives.”
So here’s the big question: the judges used their save on him, knowing that he probably couldn’t win. But it kept in the competition for two more weeks. Do you think that the judges save influenced the competition at all? Would we have a different final 4 if Matt had gone home two weeks ago? Personally, I think that judges’ save is a crock.

Well, hats off to Matt Giraud. It’s been a great ride, and he’s a classy, talented guy.

Ha, they have to kill three minutes! Hey, let’s get Paula to talk, that’ll kill some time. Kara says one of the best things they did was save him.

Next week, the final 4 perform rock and roll. That’ll be interesting; Adam should come out on top, and this is Allison’s genre. Danny and Kris will have to do something really unique to shine

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