Amidst the hoopla that’s arisen after the death of Michael Jackson are Christians questioning Jackson’s spiritual beliefs and whether or not he was a Christian. (Why after his death and not before is another column.)
According to news reports, Jackson had converted to Islam recently, but apparently some rumors have been circulating that gospel singer Andrae Crouch recently met with Jackson and prayed with him to receive Christ.
Andrae Crouch and his sister Sandra released this statement today, clarifying those rumors:

“It has been brought to our attention that several media outlets have been erroneously reporting that we met our dear friend Michael Jackson several weeks prior to his death so he could accept Christ. This is incorrect and absolutely not true.
“We loved and respected Michael enormously and we’ve been friends with him for many, many years, and are deeply saddened by his sudden and tragic death. We recently met with Michael to discuss recording two songs with our choir for his newest recording project.
“Michael always had a respect and curiosity for spiritual things. During our meeting, not unlike many other creative/music meetings we’ve had with him in the past, we sang together, prayed together and had a wonderful time.
“We are praying for Michael’s family and desire nothing less than God’s best for them.”

What was in Jackson’s heart when he died is really between him and God. But for Christians who are concerned about his spiritual state, I would recommend that they take a look around them right now, where there are hurting people who need to hear about Jesus. Rather than spend time wondering about Michael Jackson in hindsight, spend some time today talking to someone who’s still here and praying for the Jackson family, and especially his children, who don’t need this media circus as they grieve the loss of their father.
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