Last night on American Idol, the top 10 girls performed, and Crystal Bowersox led off the show. She spent Tuesday in the hospital; so that she could have a chance to stay in the competition, producers switched nights for the performances and the guys sang on Tuesday and the girls sang last night. If Crystal had been unable to perform, she would have had to leave the competition.
But she made it, and tonight we’ll find out which two girls and which two guys didn’t make the cut. Join me here live for the results show, with a performance from Danny Gokey!
So who do you think is going home? On the girls’ side, Haeley’s time has to be over. On the guys’ side, Todrick and Jermaine once again didn’t live to expectations. And I think John Park and Tim Urban didn’t either. But I think Tim has a little fan club, so he may be around for a bit.

Over at, the bottom two guys are Todrick and Jermaine, and the bottom three girls are Haeley, Paige and Michelle (their scores are all pretty close).
Well, we’ll find out who you voted for … or didn’t.
Ryan starts out the show asking Simon about last night’s performances. Simon says that he went back and watched the performances again and there were some that they’d compliments that were actually terrible, and one in particular was so bad he had to turn the TV off. He wouldn’t elaborate.
As a group, the Top 20 sing “I’ve Got A feeling” by Black Eyed Peas. As a group, they sound so good, but a couple look a little uncomfortable doing a pop dance song, Casey in particular.
As a side note, regular reader Brittany Keener is at tonight’s show in L.A.! She’s going to give us a little insider report about what it’s like to be at the show vs watching on TV. I’m curious to know if the performances sound different in person than on TV. Because I was surprised at some of the performances the judges liked and didn’t like last night and I wonder if they just sound different.
Up first, the guys. Back row stands up.
Tim Urban is first; he’s safe. He looks just as shocked this week as he did last week.
We skip John Park so Todrick Hall is up next; Ryan has him hang for a minute.
We skip Casey, and we’re to Michael Lynche, who is safe.
Back to Casey; he didn’t have a great night last night but he’s still safe.
Which leaves John Park and Todrick. One of them is going home, and it’s going to be … first Ryan asks Randy what he thinks has happened since we met them on the road. Randy says the person they saw on the road hasn’t shown up on the show. John Park is going home, Todrick Hall is safe.
Well, that’s not necessarily a surprise. But I think John actually sounded much better than Todrick. In fact, John sounds better tonight than he did last night; if he’d sung like this last night I think he’d still be here.
Front row is up now.
Lee is first. He’s staying, obviously.
Aaron Kelly is next, and he’s safe.
Alex Lambert is next; he’s so cute and he’s also safe.
Jermaine Sellers and Andrew Garcia are left. I’d like to think Andrew is staying, but he’s been a little lacking the past couple of weeks. But it has to be Jermaine, because he was making all of those comments about God wanting him there. It came off a little arrogant. Ryan asks Ellen if she’s frustrated that one of them is going home. She says she’s sad, that you’re attached to the guys, but she’s not frustrated. Andrew is safe, which I expected, and Jermaine is going home.
Just goes to show that if you get on national TV and start spouting off about what God wants, God is going to show you what he wants, even if it’s not what you want.
Ryan says that Jermaine has been very vocal during the competition, and asks Jermaine if he thinks his mouth got him in trouble. Jermaine says that in God there’s no failure and he appreciates everyone, and everybody needs to go out and get a “onesie”. (That’s a joke about his video last night, where he was wearing flannel footed pajamas.)
Up next, the girls’ results and a performance from Danny Gokey.
OK, America, no matter who won last season, Danny Gokey stole the hearts of music fans, and he’s singing his new single, “My Best Days Are Ahead Of Me.” Gokey opted to go the country route; what do you think? I’m not a big country fan but this is more pop; my husband, the country music fan, said, “This is country?” and added that the song seemed a little cheesy for him to be singing.
Danny says he wants to go on Ellen’s show and dance with her. Then he talks about how Randy Travis asked him if he ever considered singing country, which Danny says shocked him. But the country genre allows him to tell stories and connect with people so that’s the route he went.
Danny talks with Ryan about how the guy who wrote the song also lost his wife and how the song really connected with him. Has Danny had a couple dozen espressos? He’s going 100 miles an hour.
As I watch him sing, I keep thinking about Jeremy Camp, who lost his first wife just as his music career was starting off. Over the next few years, Camp came to terms with her death, forged a strong music career, met Adie and fell in love, got married and had some kids. It’s a beautiful story.
OK, let’s see which girls are going home.
Back row stands first.
Lilly Scott is up first, and she’s safe.
Paige Miles is next, and she’s safe.
Katie Stevens is next, and she’s safe.
Michelle Delamor and Didi Benami are left, so one of them is going home. And I think it’s Michelle, and … Ryan asks Kara which she thinks is going, based on this week’s performances. Kara says that rewatching Michelle’s performance it was off, so it’s probably her. And she’s right: Michelle is going home.
That’s not a huge surprise. I think Michelle has has two sort of so so performances, while Didi did have a good performance last week. Michelle says that she was so wrapped up in trying to do what’s right while being judged that she forgot about just performing. She was very gracious and thankful about her opportunity. But in her goodbye song, she really shows why she is going home.
That leaves one more girl to go.
Katelyn Epperly is up first, and she’s safe.
Crystal Bowersox is up next, and she’s safe. No surprise.
Ryan skips Haeley Vaughn and Lacey Brown, and goes to Siobhan Mangus, who is safe.
That leaves Haeley and Lacey. This could go either way, but it has to be Haeley going home. Ryan asks if either one deserves a second chance, and Simon says yes, but it’s obvious who’s going home. And he’s right – Haeley Vaughn is going home.
When she and Lacey hug, Lacey’s necklace hooks onto Haeley’s shirt. And as Ryan gives Haeley the mic, there’s a shout from the side and Debbie the stage manager is shouting to Ryan. He remembers – we see the goodbye video for John, Jermaine, Haeley and Michelle. OK, now Haeley can sing her goodbye song.
So the two guys sent home this week are John Park and Jermaine Sellers. The two girls are Haeyley Vaughn and Michelle Delamor. Agree? Disagree?
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