KG-greatesthitsFINALsmall.jpgIn a fitting tribute, Sparrow Records recently opened its vaults and released hundreds of hours of Keith Green’s unreleased live concert recordings, festival recordings, television performances, teachings, photos, videos, and even new songs, and compiled them on two projects, The Live Experience and Greatest Hits. Both projects are in stores now.
Of course, that only means something if you know who Keith Green is.

When someone says the words “Christian” and “musician” in the same sentence, what you want them to imagine is someone like Keith Green, the singer/songwriter who was at the forefront of the Christian music industry back in the 70s. A talented artist and committed follower of Christ, he was able to interweave the two with only one goal in mind: that others would come to know Jesus.
His spiritual searching as a young man led him to dabble in drugs, Eastern mysticism, and free love. Despite his Jewish background, he eventually accepted Jesus as the Savior, proclaiming himself a “Jewish Christian.”
Struggling to reconcile his growing celebrity status with his ministry sharing the Gospel, Keith’s concerts were free of charge; a love offering was taken to cover the expenses of renting the hall. The Greens gave away hundreds of thousands of albums to the poor and imprisioned, more concerned with getting the Gospel into the hands of the spiritually hungry than with making money.
He and his wife Melody were famous for their generosity and hospitality. Anyone who needed help – a place to sleep, food, or just a shoulder to cry on – were welcomed into their home, and eventually at their 120-acre ranch in East Texas, which was the home of their flourishing Last Days Ministries.
More importantly, Keith challenged the Christian status quo, calling believers to repent of their sins and walk their talk. Never one to shy away from him own faults or spiritual questionings, he allowed people to see not a religious facade but a man deeply committed to knowing his God, even when that meant struggling with questions about faith.
In 1982, at the age of 28, Keith was killed in a small plane accident that also took the lives of his three-year-old son Josiah and his two-year-old daughter Bethany. His wife Melody was home with their one-year-old daughter Rebekah. Melody was also six weeks pregnant with their fourth child, Rachel.
Keith’s music and legacy live on, and Melody continues to minister to people all around the world through Last Days Ministries.
These two new projects are just the beginning of the tributes to Keith. In November, an updated version of the best-selling book, “No Compromise,” will be released. The biography, written by Melody Green and David Hazard, shares the story of the Green’s years of spiritual searching, the events that led them to Jesus, and how their dedication to minister to others began.
In 2009 an album of previously unreleased recordings is scheduled for release, and a motion picture telling Keith’s life story is slated for release next year as well.
Both The Live Experience and Greatest Hits are in stores now.
To learn more about Keith Green, visit

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