The NY Post is reporting today that former member of the group Harlem Heavenly Notes, Rasheen Gamble, 22, went on a shooting rampage in his building in the Bronx that left one dead. Gamble allegedly allegedly gunned down security guard Brian McCray, 35. According to the Post, “Sources said the incident started about 3:30 a.m. Sunday, when Gamble fired a shotgun in his apartment on East 161st Street near Morris Avenue, wounding a neighbor and hitting himself with ricocheting pellets.” Police are still looking for Gamble.
Harlem Heavenly Notes is an all brass ensemble that peformed last year at the Apollo Theater as part of a celebration of young talent during 2007’s Black History Month. Here’s the band’s bio, according to a press release for the event:

Harlem Heavenly Notes, nicknamed “The Holy Ghost Band” by a Pastor from their church, the House of Prayer, exude spirituality through the sounds of their horns. A gospel brass band that consists of 17 young men, the group started in 1996 and members Anthony Threatt, Warnell Sheppard, Selwyn Deshazo, Dannon Woodard, Rasheen Gamble, Dareen Smothers and Jonathan Davis have been with the band since its inception. Playing in the church, in the streets of Manhattan and recently in Sweden to teach college students about their musical timing, they have made a commitment to increase the spirituality wherever they go.

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