Whenever I pass a man or woman in military uniform, I feel overcome with gratitude. I wish I could say aloud what I’m thinking in my head. I wish I had the courage they have. I wish I had their strength, their valor. I wonder if everything I do in this lifetime will always pale…

I skim around the Facebook block every once in awhile, checking to see what others are doing, looking for good deals. And then I’ll pause on a  pal’s dirty dish, a complaint, a disappointment, a frustration. I’ll drench myself in their drama. I’ll sit in their misery. But what surprises me is my secondary reaction…

You might as well face it. There will come a time when you look at a friend, classmate, colleague, relative or acquaintance and see right through them. You won’t feel pride, love, or excitement for their latest endeavor, but a shot of something way more embarrassing. Jealousy. As a writer, I’ve experienced it far more times…

{flickr photo} Like reptiles we shed our soft baby skins and soft, playful spirits when we leave childhood. We embrace a tougher skin and more brittle insides that we think come with adulthood. “We’re grown-ups now,” we say to ourselves. That means no more lounging around, letting our souls dream, and watching the day roll…

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