Divine Restoration and Catherine Ponder continued:
When you feel in control of desolate circumstances, you are able to gain the blessings from them – so that those challenges no longer control you.
Those desolate years can be restored when you also begin to realize the great truth pointed out by Emerson in his essay Compensation, where he states that for everything you lose, you gain something. Remembering this, you can invoke the Law of Divine Restoration.
Stop dwelling on apparent losses in your life and start looking for the growth and gain that came through them. For every loss there has been a gain, so drop the loss and take the gain!
When the thought of apparent loss seems to haunt you, instead of accepting it as loss, say to yourself:
Another way to restore those “years of the locusts” is by reminding yourself that God can give you so much in the present moment that it fills the emptiness of the past. This is a wonderful form of divine restoration.
Decrees of Divine Restoration and Divine Fulfillment are among the fastest working prayers in the universe! Why? Because the universe is flowing with abundant good for all mankind. In fact, the universe has no higher function than to manifest its goodness for and through man, its highest creation. When you hold to the thought of “gain,” “restoration,” or “fulfillment,” you become a channel through which the universe is able to pour forth its abundant gain.
Since the trend of the soul is always upward and onward, periods of apparent loss can actually be times of gathering spiritual and mental forces together to go forward again. Sometimes when it seems you are going backward, it is because you are gathering your forces to go forward! Those seemingly “backward experiences” give you depth, insight and understanding you might never gain from the easier paths of life.
Everything in the universe is designed for our growth and highest good.