‘People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are.

I don’t believe in circumstances.  The people who get on in this world
are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want,
and, if they can’t find them, make them.’


                        George Bernard Shaw


Today is about you.
Today is about your success.

Do you have a dream?
It should be a glorious dream and you are a big part of it.

What is your dream?
What is your passion?

Today is the day.
Today is the day that you decide that you are a success and will accept nothing less than total success!

Success requires a total commitment.
Success requires that you believe and have faith.

Are you willing to give everything you can?
Are you willing to go the distance?

Remember, what is more important?
How you start or how you finish?

The great racehorse Omaha started every race last and won every one because it took him awhile to get into his stride.But in the end, he finished strong.

So make sure that you finish strong!

🙂 Lee
The Mega Coach

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