One moment a caterpillar dies and becomes a cocoon.
Another moment the cocoon transforms into a magnificent butterfly and new life.

One moment water is a liquid.
Another moment it is ice.

One moment you feel pain.
Another moment you feel healed.

Life is miraculous.
Change is constant in life, but transformation happens instantaneously.

Out of the worst tragedy a new life and a new opportunity is born.
In the darkest hour, when all hope seems lost the light emerges and obliterates the darkness.

When it seems that all is lost and there is no hope left,
God’s blessings appears and all is renewed.

God’s love and creative power is unlimited.
Anything is possible every moment.

What is it that you truly desire at the core of your being?
What is your vision, your purpose for your life?

When you follow your truth and go total, miracles happen.
Life, events, circumstances and reality transform before your eyes.

It requires faith, belief and trust.
It requires total commitment.

There is magic available every moment.
There is GOLD DUST in the air.

🙂 Lee
The Mega Coach



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