You are totally unique.
There is no one else who can be exactly like you or express yourself the way that you do.

You have special gifts and talents that no one else has.
You are one of a kind and irreplaceable.

Give yourself permission to be the unique expression that you are.
Let go and allow you to be you the way you naturally are.

Acknowledge your true vision and purpose.
What is your heroic mission?

It is not how big your dream is that matters.
It is how big your heart is in whatever dream you choose to live.

So many people want to fit in, to be liked and to be approved of.
Why not give yourself your own approval with the power of self acknowledgement?

Take a good look in the mirror and what do you see?
Use your heart as your eyes and acknowledge the truth about you and what you are.
Self-talk and self acknowledgement is a powerful catalyst for inspiration and transformation.

I am a child of the universe, created in God’s image with the co-creative ability.
I am healthy, whole and complete.
I am eternal, universal, immortal and infinite and what I am is beautiful.

I am unlimited potential and energy.
I am unconditionally loving, joyous and abundant.
I am the Source of my life, I am a creator.

Start to acknowledge yourself for your wonderful qualities every day.
Acknowledge other people around you and make their day brighter.

You are a light to this world.
And by allowing yourself be you, you will shine brightly and light the way.

🙂 Lee
The Mega Coach



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