Life is so rich.
We live in an abundant, continually expanding universe.

Look around a observe the many colors, shades and hues of God’s creation.
Planet Earth is full of natural wonders.

Nature gives us so much beauty, joy and colors.
People come in so many different packages and personalities.

Life is anything but boring.
Make sure that you allow yourself to enjoy all of life’s colors and distinctions.

It is easy to judge others, especially if they are different than you.
It is easy to judge yourself, too.
See if you can suspend your judgment and simply observe….take in all in.
Allow yourself to just experience the moment.

It is the different colors and people that make life so interesting and unpredictable.
Variety adds spice to life.

Sometimes we meet people in personal and business relationships and it starts out very promising.
Then things happen and we find out that our original impression was not accurate and  the relationship
does not work out.  See if you can discover the lesson in it for you and not judge yourself or the other person. You always have free choice of what you want to do or who you want to be with.  You are never at the effect of anyone else unless you choose to give up your power and freedom of choice.

Keep and open heart and mind and stay positive.
Even a “bad” experience taught you something important and had a silver lining.
Even the worst experience contains within it the seed of and equal or greater benefit.

So drop the loss and take the gain!
Take the best and leave the rest!

🙂 Lee
The Mega Coach



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