A Little Ray of Sunshine


Even when the clouds fill the sky the sun is always shinning above.
It is just a matter of perspective. 

When life appears to be difficult, when you can’t seem to take any more,
remember, the sun is always shining and there is a Higher Power.

Every challenge makes you stronger.
It urges you and forces you to dig deeper into your faith and abilities.

What is your dream?
What is it that you want to create?

This is your time.
This is your moment.

No one said it was going to be easy.
But it is worth it!

Don’t let yourself be distracted by the negativity or the doubts.
Keep your vision clear and on a higher perspective and find the sun shining brightly on your dream.

Regardless of the circumstances, the economy, the resources at hand,  ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!
You probably will have to give it everything you have to make it happen.

You have to nurture it, protect it, care for it and believe.

It is in the darkest times, when you have almost nothing left to give when that little ray of sunshine appears.  It brings hope and joy to your heart and renews your spirit.
You can do it.

Sometimes it comes from the helping hand of a friend or even a stranger.
Sometimes it comes from a beautiful sunrise or from nature.
Sometimes it comes from your inner truth.
Sometimes it comes from a sweet song.

It is a signal, from the creative brilliance of infinite intelligence….. from the Master.
Follow your dream, follow your heart……. it is your destiny.

🙂 Lee
The Mega Coach


photo by Louise Docker





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