
My Godmother, Francesca will be celebrating her 90th birthday next week.
We met in a flower shop on Broadway in NYC. back in 1984. 
From that moment we became close friends and “Fabulous Francesca” has been sharing wisdom, inspiration and enlightenment with me.

Francesca is my Spiritual Godmother and continues to teach and share with me the most important truths.  We share a special passion and know that we are part of a magnificent transformation in our world.

Recently she sent me some information from Fenwick and Ernest Holmes.
Here is some food for thought.

An historical perspective written by Ernest Holmes:

This is a new spiritual impulsion in the world; it has certain objectives in the world, has certain purposes: to teach and to practice, and nothing else.  Teach and practice, practice and teach–that is all we have; that is all we are good for; that is all we ever ought to do.

We must bear witness to a spiritual truth which has come down to us through the ages; and if there is any truth, this is it. It is a compilation, a synthesis–a putting together of all the great thoughts.  If you take the deep thoughts of the ages–Plato and Moses and Jesus, Buddha, Socrates, Aristotle and Emerson and Plotinus, all of them–you will have to have the greatest teaching the world has.

It is a terrific thing to synthesize the wisdom of the ages.  I don’t claim to have done it, but we have come nearer doing it than ever has happened before in the history of the world.  Therefore, we are beneficiaries of innumerable sources.  Those sources we gladly recognize, and we feel very proud and happy we have had sense enough to use them.  They must be brought into line–the great philosophical and spiritual truths must be brought into line with the modern metaphysical knowledge of the Law of Mind in action, which the ancients did not understand at all.  If they did, they didn’t practice it or, as far as I know, teach it.  They taught the broad, generalized principles that underlie it and which will explain it–but not in action.

We have launched a movement which is destined–I won’t live to see it and don’t want to–in the next hundred years to be the great new religious impulsion of our day and of modern times.  I am convinced our movement is a thing of destiny.

Now what do we teach? It is very simple: God is all there is.  There isn’t anything else; there never was and never will be. When the psychological reaction of condemnation is done away with in the world, Hell will have cooled off; the Devil will be out of business; present-day evangelism will have been rolled up like a scroll and numbered with the things that were once thought to be real.

Something new and grand will have appeared.  We are the forerunners of a new race of people; we are the arbiters of the fate of unborn generations; we are the custodians of the chalice of truth.  But we are not hung on a cross.  We have a song to sing; we have a joy to bring to the world, and love and peace and happiness.

I think we should feel as though we are on a mission.  Not a mission of sadness to save souls–they are not lost, and if they were, you wouldn’t know where to look for them–but a mission that glorifies the soul.  Not to find we are here for salvation, but for glorification–the beauty, the wonder, the delight of that Something that sings and sings and sings in the soul of humankind.

“There is a power for good in the Universe, greater than we are, available to everyone and we can use it.”

Ernest Holmes

May you discover and live your glorious good, under grace and in perfect ways.

🙂 Lee
The Mega Coach



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