Dolphins Swimming


The weather here in Southern California has been unusual for October.
We had a few days of 95-100 degrees, so my wife and I went to the beach yesterday.
On the coast it was still 85 degrees and not a cloud in the sky.
The day was beautiful and we took our lunch to the beach to enjoy the sunshine.

We noticed that there were dolphins swimming pretty close to the shore.
They were about 15 feet out from the edge of the water.
I don’t remember them ever being so close to the beach.
It was so great to see them close without binoculars.

We could see seven of them swimming in sets and having fun.
It was amazing, as they swam in the same basic area back and forth for over three hours.
The water is a bit cold this time of year and there were not too many people at the beach on this weekday.  The dolphins kept swimming around fairly close and most people on the beach stopped to watch them.

Two or three swam in total harmony as if they knew each others every move.  The teams wove in and out of each other.  One would surface and then dive and just as it went under another one surfaced and just as it went under another one surfaced and then another.  It was beautiful and rhythmic.  It almost seem choreographed.  Occasional a few pelicans would fly across the water and directly over the dolphins.  It was just beautiful.  Sometimes they just floated on the surface, then they would dive and disappear for a little while and then they would surface again and continue their movements.

The entire time we were at the beach the dolphins played and swam.
They had so much fun and the feeling we had was that they were playing and enjoying themselves.
I felt a sense of joy and wonder just watching them swim around and do their thing.
A few times when they went under water they slapped their tail and splashed on the way down.
We saw them spout a few times too as they sprayed water out of their blow holes.

Dolphins represent communication, sound and breathe.
It is almost like they are smiling
They are mammals, not fish and take care of each other and work together.
It was as if they were reminding those of us present and watching to lighten up, have fun and play together.  It was a “breathe of fresh air!”

On another level, maybe they were communicating with us to take a break and start fresh….To communicate with each other and to play nicely.
They were such a gift!

Maybe it would be good for you to take a few deep breathes and to clear your energy – like the dolphins when they spout.  Is there an area in your life….health…..relationships……work that could use some fresh air, or a new perspective?  Take a sincere look, maybe you could use a little play time in nature……with some friends.

Wishing you a wonderful and fun weekend!

🙂 Lee
The Mega Coach

Dolphin Smiles



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