
Are you feeling any stress in your health, relationships, career or finances?  Life has pain and discomfort and no one can escape it.  By not resisting it you can transcend it.  You can turn your disadvantages into advantages, your losses into gains.

The key is not necessarily doing something different, but being different.  Allow life to be the way it is, do not resist it or try to change it.  Feel it and let go.  Ride the horse in the direction it is going and use the flow to empower yourself to take your best action at the most appropriate time.

Find ways to discover advantages in your disadvantages.  Opportunities are always within a problem.  It is a matter of perspective.

Remember, your perceptions color all of your thoughts, decisions, feelings and actions.  Stop taking things personally or being a victim.  Life happens.  Disengage from the negativity and seek a clear perspective.  This clarity will allow you to be objective and create optimal solutions.

Most of all, give yourself some grace.  You are the way you are and it is not a mistake.  It does not matter what your present circumstances are.  This is the hand you were dealt in life and this is where you must begin.  Regardless of the people, circumstances or situation, you can succeed!

Complaining will not help, it wastes your vital energy and resources and attracts more negativity.  Just let go and allow what is to be the way it is.  As my friends Ariel and Shya Kane say, “Close the complaint department!”  Observe without judgment and discover where you really are and what is best for you now.  Then take appropriate action.

You can grow, transform and be successful from exactly where you are now.  Use whatever challenges you have as opportunities for growth and development.  The greater the challenge, the greater the potential success or triumph!

So stop looking back, or driving while looking in your rear-view mirror.  Go forward.  Be positive, encourage yourself and others.  Give yourself and others grace.

You will transform your problems into solutions and your fears and frustration into fascination.

🙂 Lee
The MEGA Coach


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