heart is full

“Only 15% of a person’s success is due to their technical ability, while 85% is due to their ability to get along with people.”

Catherine Ponder

You can have wonderful, expressive, fun, empowering and fulfilling relationships!  The secret is that it starts with you because you attract and create your life.  Is your desire true and are you willing to go total?

It is not a coincidence how people treat you and respond to you.  In fact, you train others how to treat you.  They pick up on your energy and communication.  You are communicating every moment whether you actually say anything verbally.  Words are 7%, tone is 38% and body language is 55% of communication.

Be an example of what you want in your life.  Especially since you are a magnet that attracts other people, situations and opportunities.  Be the kind of person that deserves the relationships of your dreams.

Do your primary relationship skills and patterns only affect your love life?  Don’t they also impact all of your friendships, work relationships and most importantly, your family?  How much do your relationships affect your financial and career success?  Communication is a powerful force.

“The Quality of my life is directly related to the quality of my communication, with myself and with others.”

Conscious awareness, kindness, compassion, tenderness, giving, unconditional love and quality communication are key qualities that make a relationship attractive and desirable for the long term.  Do you have these qualities?  If not, you can develop them and you can always improve them.

Whatever the current state of your relationships, you can transform them by transforming yourself.  The secret is to look inside yourself and take responsibility instead of blaming your partner.  After all, how can you ask your partner to be or do something that you are not willing to be or do?  Who would want to have a long term relationship with someone who was not kind, caring, loving and a good friend?

No matter how challenging your current relationship may be, you can make a quantum leap.  You can be a good communicator and listener.  You can be more sincere and interested.  You can be a wonderful partner.  Anything is possible and the great news is it’s up to you!

Make your life and relationships heaven on earth and manifest the divine plan of your life, under grace and in perfect ways!

🙂 Lee
The MEGA Coach




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