
Do you have a positive mental attitude?  Success is 80% attitude and 20% aptitude.

If you want to know where you are in your life, just look and observe your current relationships, situation and results.  Acknowledge the truth of what is and you will see your current level of success.  No judgment, just the facts.  Are you happy, healthy and prospering?

If you are not succeeding ask yourself if you are totally committed to your success?  Are you consistently empowering yourself and others and taking effective action?

Your attitude determines your results.  Do you have a Positive Mental Attitude?  Do you have Positive Self Talk and Acknowledgement?

These factors are keys to your success or failure.  Whatever you think about or acknowledge is what you focus your energy on.  It is what you will create.  This is the power of focused attention and the Law of Attraction.

Your choices and decisions are determined by your beliefs, values and thoughts.  You have to direct and program your own mind or you let others do it for you.

Accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative.  Consistently be and think positive and create a positive, mental attitude using positive self-talk.  Be a source of encouragement for others and empower others with your positive energy and words.  Consistently take positive actions.

When you discover a negative thought, stop, say, “next” and then replace it with 3 positive thoughts.  When you discover you are saying something negative to yourself or others, stop, say, “cancel, cancel, cancel” and then say something positive.

Develop good habits in your thoughts, words and actions.  Make sure that you are taking action in the best possible way to leverage your resources.  Do the most important and productive things you can whenever you can.

Surround yourself with positive and uplifting people.  Create a positive and nurturing home environment and work environment.  Make sure you have an encouraging team – family, friends, co-workers, etc.

Discover what you want and why you want it…the universe will show you the how.  Trust and have faith!  You can do it!

Make your life a masterpiece!

Prosperously yours,
🙂 Lee
The MEGA Coach

success or failure


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