Who is programming your mind? Are you free or manipulated and controlled by the powers that be?
Cultural Conditioning View:
What do you want to be when you grow up?
What job do you want?
How much money do you need?
Where do you want to live?
Actualizing Your Full Potential View:
Why am I here?
What is my vision?
What is my higher purpose for being on this earth?
What contribution do I want to give to the world?
You have the freedom of choice every moment, you are blessed with co-creative ability and created in the image of God. You can be, do and have whatever you want.
This is a time of incredible possibility. The world is radically different than ever before in human history. Technology and the world-wide economic shift have transformed life as we knew it to be. Yes, there are many challenges, but there are even greater opportunities for growth and success now.
“This is the most compelling moment in human history!”
Dr. Jean Houston
“How will you take advantage of this radical shift and significant opportunity?
Will you tap into your higher purpose and truest possibility?
Our world and cultural structure has not been created to prepare you to live a life of higher purpose. Society and conditioning does not encourage and foster your highest growth and development. It is based on survival, maintaining the old belief systems and keeping the powers that be in control. Schools and businesses are still basically geared to create good workers to take the jobs that are offered. God forbid you become free thinkers and empowered, enlightened entrepreneurs.
In the past, culture, society and family determined much of what people could become. People really did not have much freedom of choice. But now there is a new opportunity. You can discover why you are really here. Tap into your full, creative potential and be totally alive and fulfilled. Discover your higher purpose and live it. Encourage people to become creative and work together for the greatest good.”
Make Your Life a Masterpiece!
🙂 Lee
The MEGA Coach