vison & actionWith a clear and meaningful vision and purpose comes the motivation, energy and resources to manifest it.  When we are definite about what we want to create and why, we discover the how.  Let the universe provide the how, when and where.

Do you have trouble staying motivated, keeping focused, or following through on commitments?  With a compelling purpose aligned with your natural essence and desires, those troubles disappear.

Trust the universe to show the best way to achieve it.  We don’t have to figure it all out.  Let intuition guide you.  Just focus on one step at a time.

Once your vision and purpose is true, it resonates deeply in your being, heart and feelings.  The next steps will present themselves, the right people will show up and the necessary resources will come.  Trust, be patient and have faith.

Having a vision and purpose that expresses your deepest essence and desire propels you forward over any obstacle or challenge.

Imagine it, feel it and then express it..
Take action, step by step and keep moving forward until it is complete.  Be open to surprises!

🙂 Lee
The MEGA Coach


(Photos by Google)



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