









Are you looking at the good people, situations and things in your life and focused on the positive?
Are you counting your blessings throughout the day in the moment when they happen?

Positive energy and an attitude of gratitude empower us to transcend any challenge and onward to success.

It takes just as much energy to be positive as it does to be negative.  What have you been choosing lately?  You can easily see where your focus has been by the quality of your life, health, relationships and results.  How are they right now?

When we change our thoughts/energy/focus we shift our energy and outcomes.  The best time to catch and eradicate a negative thought or pattern of behavior is when they first start and are the weakest.  Nip them before they bud.

What choice do you make now?

We can’t change the circumstances in our life or the past, but we can transform the way we see them with a healthy attitude and perspective.  There are special people in our life who fill us with love, joy, hope and inspiration.  They nurture and nourish us.  Every day there are people who serve and give to us. 

Do you acknowledge the people around you for their contributions to you and the world? 

Do you acknowledging yourself for all of your wonderful qualities and deeds?

Now is a good time to count our blessings.  It is time to recognize, appreciate and acknowledge the people around us, including ourselves.

My dear friend Michael Wyman says,  A little acknowledgement goes a long way!

Have a Magnificent Day!

🙂 Lee
The MEGA Coach


(Photo by Google)



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