thoughtsEverything in life is made of energy and has a spiritual component to it.  We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience on earth.  What we are, think and do have a spiritual element.

Thoughts/beliefs combine with our emotions/feelings and are sent into our bodies and out to the universe by our energy and focused attention.  The more powerful our emotion is for a specific thought or belief the more energy it has and the stronger or faster it manifests.

This works for thoughts whether they are positive or negative.  People usually do not have problems with positive thoughts, feelings and results.  We tend not to like or want to look at our negative outcomes, experiences, behaviors, actions, words and thoughts.  As a result, people resist the negative things in their lives, which keeps them locked in place to repeat over and over and over.  This is also known as a ““bad habit, compulsion or addiction.”  Some people are so afraid to look at their negative patterns and experiences they call them, “Pandora’s Box” or sweep them under the rug and pretend they never happened.   This resistance to what is keeps the problems safely intact and sealed forever.  We bury the key to our freedom and lock in place a lifetime of misery.

Negative thoughts and outcomes are fear based.  Fear tends to scare or confuse people.  Many people do whatever it takes to avoid their fears along with their emotions and consequences.  This is a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Until we acknowledge or tell the truth about something, we are not able to fully see or accept it – keeping the resistance and pattern locked in place.  Since most people avoid life’s unpleasant things, improvement or transformation cannot take place until a person is willing to simply observe (w/o judgment) the negative thought/emotion/behavior/outcome.

By allowing ourselves and life to be the way it is, opens the possibility for healthy growth and transformation of even the deepest and most challenging behaviors and patterns.

A thought or belief, whether we are conscious of it or not, goes directly into the subconscious.  The subconscious mind takes everything in like a camera.  The subconscious doesn’t take a joke – it records everything.  This is why it is important to surround yourself with positive people and to live and work in healthy, conscious, positive environments.  Our self-talk is critical in developing a positive pattern, as we program our mind with everything we think, say and do.  The subconscious mind is the storehouse of memory.  Memory is tied to emotions, like when we re-experience any past event or go into the future to visualize something.  Emotion is energy in motion.  Thoughts and Emotions are real things and have great power!

Negative thoughts, emotions, people, environments, etc. create stress, negative energy and eventually to dis-ease.  Every person is unique and chooses their own pattern of thoughts, emotions and behaviors like picking a flavor at your local ice-cream shop.  Many times we are just duplicating the patterns from our parents and families.  The more often we choose the same thought, pattern, or behavior the stronger it becomes and the more powerful its manifestation.  Eventually these patterns becomes our habitual way of life.

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…”
Proverbs 23:7a

We learn by duplicating or monkey see monkey do.  We have the power to create anything we want, so let’s start taking responsibility for what we put in our minds, body and environment.

🙂 Lee
The MEGA Coach










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