Bald Eagle in mid-air flight over Homer Spit Kenai Peninsula Alaska Winter












The eagle offers Hope, Vision, Strength, Power, Freedom, Inspiration & Magnificence.

When it rains, most birds head for shelter.  The eagle is the only bird that in order to avoid the rain, flies above the clouds.  An eagle can identify a rabbit moving almost a mile away.  Flying at an altitude of 1000 feet over open country, eagles can spot prey over an area of almost three square miles from a fixed position.  No wonder God wants us to spread our wings and soar like an eagle.

Our life is not determined by what happens to us; the quality of our life is determined by how we respond to what happens.  It is what we do and how we do it that makes a difference.  Not by what life brings to us, by how we use it and by the attitude and joy we bring to life.

A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, words, actions, events, and outcomes.  Positive energy is a catalyst, a spark which creates extraordinary results and expands our awareness and vision.

“The vision that you glorify in your mind,
the ideal that you enthrone in your heart:
this you will build your life by,
this you will become.”
James Allen

1) What is your vision and purpose for your life?
(spirituality, mentally, emotionally, physically, financially)

2) Are you totally committed – all in?
3) Do you rise above the challenges and circumstances?

By maintaining a high energy and staying true to our vision and purpose, we soar above the difficulties and problems to maintain a focus on truth and what is possible.

🙂 Lee
The MEGA Coach
LWP - Where there is vision









(Photos by Google)

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