From Catherine Ponder, “How To Live a Prosperous Life.”

“To receive your Divine Heritage acknowledge God’s presence, power and intelligence.  In this way you link energies with the Creative and claim your benefits… as we follow His signals.

Renew your mind through positive thinking, which is the expression of faith, confidence, certainty, optimism, the expectancy of good.  Positive thought sets in motion powerful principles.

Look and dwell on the good in all persons and situations rather than wasting time and thought on lesser appearances.  This renews your mind, body and affairs and attracts miracles of good. God reaches you and fills you with His power through your mind.  He may be revealed to you through the signal of “a still small voice” of conscience.  He may come through an idea that flashes across your mind or through the words of a friend or an article you read.  He may be revealed to you through prayer and meditation or through wisdom gained in an outer experience.  But his communication will always reach your mind and heart before you assimilate it and put it to work.

Thoughts are either positive or negative.  If they are positive thoughts, usually expressed in faith and optimism, they will draw more good through channels of peace, health, prosperity and love to you.  If they are negative thoughts, usually expressed in fear, doubt and pessimism, they will draw more negation to you through channels of illness, poverty, inharmony and disaster.

Daily practice of prayer and meditation is the first step.  Prayer calms your outer thoughts and awakens the presence and power of Spirit within you and all around you.  Prayer is the most effective method of renewal and transformation, because in prayer you associate with God and not with the problem.  Release the problem to God for the solution.  In doing this, you are relieved of tension and struggle and experience peace and renewal.  This process makes way for the answer and solution, which is what you hope and pray for. 

Daily practice of praise and acknowledgement is another step.  It brings out the good in both you and other people.  It produces harmony and good will.  Praise is dwelling on the good in people and situations and making the most of that good.

You can change your attitude and your life through daily use of prayer and praise.  You can also experience unlimited good through the powerful combination of prayer and praise in high, positive thought and vision.”

Prosperity Affirmations:

“New doors of good now open to me. With a confident spirit, I go forth and experience Happiness, Prosperity and Abundant Living.”

“Everything that comes in my life is good and I have only the good.  Health, Wealth and Happiness are my Divine Right and I claim and experience them now.”

“The spirit of success in now working in me.  I am divinely guided, healed, prospered and blessed.”

“I Am a Mega Magnet of Divine Love & Abundance and I Am Joyously One With Mega Wealth Consciousness!”

Have a wonderful and prosperous day!
There is GOLD DUST in the air!

Prosperously yours,
🙂 Lee
The MEGA Coach

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