Have a Magnificent Day!

Do you nurture yourself and others in your thoughts, words and actions?  Let go of judgments and harshness.  Give yourself and others grace.  We are all Spiritual Beings having a human experience on earth. We all need to be acknowledged, recognized and appreciated.  Life is precious and we are all faced with pain, suffering and…

                                  Awakening takes place in our hearts and experience.  We cannot access higher states of consciousness in our mind. The mind is a wonderful super-computer and great for many things.  The heart is where we feel our love and…

Inspired by God, Roy Eugene Davis, my Guru and a special contribution by Dr. Henry Lieberman and my sweet wife, Denise and dear son, Denny.  They are the wind beneath my wings. What is it that you want most in life?  Answers generally include: Good Health, Family, Peace of Mind, Career, Money, Success, Travel, Time…

You constantly talk; to yourself and others.  Your “self-talk” creates your feelings, actions and outcomes.  With positive “self-talk” you empower your self-esteem, self-confidence and self-image.  With negative “self-talk” you destroy it. Words are powerful: once you say something out loud, it cannot be taken back.  Choose your words with care and awareness.  Your words can…

                  “The Resurrecting Power of Love” by Catherine Ponder: “The word resurrect means “to bring to view again…..to restore to life.”  Man was created with a divine nature, in the image of God.  Some of the great characters of the Old Testament tried to bring back to…

From  Truth Journal by Roy Eugene Davis, April-May & June-July 2014: “Many more people are learning to meditate.  A full-page article in the November 16, 2013 issue of The Economist, an internationally distributed news magazine, reported that many people are being attracted to meditation as a way to function more effectively in an increasingly busy…

                                        The universe supports you and is for your greatest good and highest growth possible.  The only limitations are those you create.  Anything is possible. smiles, 🙂 Lee The MEGA Coach   (Photo by Google)  

Catherine Ponder, The Prospering Power of Love The Healing Power of Release: In The Prophet, Kahlil Gilbran described the loving attitude of release in marriage: “Love one another, but make not a bond of love….let there be spaces in your togetherness…sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone…stand together…

“Every person is a golden link in my chain of good.” “Everything is happening in perfect, divine order.”  Florence Scovel Shinn Everything is made up of energy.  All energy is created from the same original substance and by the creative force of the universe.  It is available to everyone and does not discriminate. Start where…

From Catherine Ponder, The Prospering Power of Love: “There are definite, simple ways  you can pour out the healing power of love on your negative memories, so that you can be free of them forever.  As you do become free of these destructive emotions, you cease crucifying yourself and others and you are then ready…

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