Have a Magnificent Day!

From How to Use Your Creative Imagination, by Roy Eugene Davis: Because you are a spiritual being, you already have the ability to either remove or transcend all limiting conditions that may have, until now, opposed your endeavors to live freely, enjoyably and effectively.  As this is being accomplished, the necessary resources and supportive events,…

There is a natural flow to all of life, nature and the universe.  Trust the process and allow life to be the way it is. Have faith and belief that life and the universe always supports you. A flower blossoms when it is ready.  A child walks at the right time.  Love is fulfilled at…

From Soul Provider, Step 2, Detachment by Edward Beck: Once upon a time there was a monk traveling down a road who had a pearl in his sack.  In the village through which he was traveling there was a man asleep who had a dream that there was a monk who had a pearl in…

Question: “What thing about humanity surprises you the most?” The Dalai Lama’s answer was as follows: Man Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.  Then he sacrifices his money to recuperate his health.  Then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present, and as a result…

                          “Life is very tricky and we must deal with it as it is.  If we do not first master it ourselves we cannot help anyone else.” Paramahansa Yogananda “If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self.” Napoleon Hill…

        Studies from The National Institutes of Health, University of Massachusetts and Mind/Body Medical Institute at Harvard University show that meditation enhances the qualities companies need most from their knowledge workers: increased brain-wave activity, enhanced intuition, better concentration, and the alleviation of the kinds of aches and pains that plague employees most.…

Elephants are powerful and magnificent.  They have tremendous hearts and compassion.  Elephants symbolize strength, wisdom and prosperity. In this picture, although a storm is approaching, the elephants take life step by step, always moving forward toward their destination or goal.  They do not let the fear or concern of the approaching storm affect them and…

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Life is an opportunity.  Every moment contains within it exactly what you need to grow and thrive. Being physically healthy is such a vital part of living a successful life.  What about your mental and emotional health?  How much…

Isn’t this world amazing?  The incredible beauty of life and nature in all forms is spectacular and astounding.   The way every person and everything is created out of energy.  Everything is connected, we are all connected.  There truly must be a divine plan. Today is a special day for our family.  It is our son,…

                        “Life is a series of tests which, if squarely faced, give us greater mental strength and peace of mind.  Learn to rely more on your Heavenly Father for guidance and understanding.  Fill your empty moments with love for Him, and you will know…

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