Have a Magnificent Day!

From “The I Ching, Book of Changes” by Brian Browne Walker: Cling to the power of higher truth. It is the nature of being human that we are dependent in many ways: dependent on water, air and food for nourishment; dependent on shelter for warmth and protection; dependent on each other for family life and…

                How important is your environment to your health, well being and success? Does your home and work environments affect your thoughts, feelings and actions? Does it affect your decisions and choices? The food you put in your body creates your health environment.  The thoughts and beliefs you…

The most powerful bond is a mother and her child.  A mother is unconditional in her love for her children. Without the wonderful mother’s in this world caring for their children, where would our planet be?  Where would you be?  How many people would not have become successes without their moms love and support? Think…

                      “80% of success is showing up!”     Woody Allen This is your life, it is real and it is definitely not a dress rehearsal.  This is it.  This moment is all you have.  Are you giving it your best? It does not matter what your…

Sowing Seeds of Inspiration shared by Francesca Martell: “The things that matter most in our lives are not fantastic or grand.  They are moments when we touch one another, when we are there in the most attentive or caring way.  This simple and profound intimacy is the love that we all long for.  These moments…

Two weeks ago my wife went to visit her parents for the week.  After running some errands in the afternoon, I came home and found these two ducks in the front courtyard close to our front door.  They had a sweet feeling to them and the next thing I knew I was giving them some…

I regularly read metaphysical and uplifting books for inspiration, growth and healing.  Two of my favorite authors are Florence Scovel Shinn and Catherine Ponder.  Their writing is transformational and fun to read.  Here is powerful  information from The Power of The Spoken Word. “You combine with what you notice (Law of Focused Attention) so do…

There is an old Hindu legend that tells when the Gods were making the world they asked, “Where can we hide the most valuable of treasures, so that they will not be lost?  How can we hide them so that the lust and greed of men will not steal or destroy them.  What can we…

This information was sent to me many years ago by Fabulous Francesca Martell and is probably from a Science of Mind or Unity publication. “I enjoy an income that I can never outlive, because I can never outlive God.  The wealth of the Infinite is my daily supply.  I can never be separated from God,…

From “Open Your Mind to Prosperity” by Catherine Ponder: “You cleanse your mind for prosperity and attract your good by first writing out what you want to eliminate from your life.  By writing out what you want to eliminate, you open the space and create a vacuum for what you want to manifest.  Just like…

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