Have a Magnificent Day!

                    “Wisdom is not a product of schooling, but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.”      Albert Einstein “Focus your thoughts on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely and admirable.  Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” The next time you are about…

“When you are awake to your good, you know there are no enemies, for God utilizes every person and situation for your good.  Hindrances are friendly and obstacles stepping-stones.  One with God, you become invincible. “God’s invincible power sweeps all before it.  I ride the waves into my Promised Land.” Riding the waves, they take…

“Be Strong! Fear not; Fear is man’s only adversary.  You face defeat whenever you are fearful!  Fear robs you of all power, for you have lost your contact with the Universal Power House.  When you are fearful you begin to attract the thing you fear: you are magnetizing it.  Daniel was undisturbed because he knew…

“Where there is vision people prosper.” You can only achieve what you see yourself achieving. What is your vision, what do you see for yourself? Tune into the specific details in each area of your life.  Use your imagination.  What does it look like, how does it feel, what are your thinking, what are you saying…

Life is growth.  You are either living or dying every moment.  It is a matter of energy. Each of us is doing our best to reach the light.  From a universal perspective, our purpose as spiritual beings is to actualize our full, creative potential.  But each individual determines their perspective, focus and results.  What is your purpose for…

Meditation is vital to a healthy, happy and successful life and offers too many benefits to list here in this blog. From The Truth Journal (April-May 2014) by Roy Eugene Davis: Many more people are learning to meditate.  A full-page article in the November 16, 2013 issue of The Economist, an internationally distributed news magazine, reported many people…

You are given two beautiful eyes to see.  But your heart and intuition see even more clearly. When you have a powerful desire or want something strongly, it can color your perceptions.  It changes what you are looking at so it appears the way you want it to.  Sometimes you want something so badly you bend…

Life presents you with the exact lesson you need to learn every moment.  It requires awareness, acceptance and discernment to receive it. There is a constant rhythm to life, an ebb and flow of energy.  Going with life’s flow allows you to receive and not waste your energy resisting the moment. Sometimes it is not…

                      (This is so important – I am re-posting it again for you to look at your life and forgive.) Are you holding on to any negative thoughts or judgments about others? Do you have any negative thoughts or judgments about yourself ? Here is a…

Are you open and receptive to the abundance in life? Are you wide eyed and optimistic about all the good that is coming to you? Do you expect wonderful things to happen to you? Your Divine Heritage is to be healthy, joyous and prosperous.  Life is your playground. Make sure you go for your truth…

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