Have a Magnificent Day!

“Today is the Day of My Amazing Good Fortune.” Everything is the world is made of energy.  It is all around you in different shapes, colors, patterns and sizes.  Your energy turns into thoughts, beliefs, values, words, actions and creates your own reality. There are opportunities all around you.  It is an unlimited and abundant universe…

Florence Schovel Shinn taught metaphysics in New York for many years during the Great Depression.  Her meetings were well attended and even today, her books have a wide circulation all over the world.  They have a knack of finding their way to remote and unexpected places. “Let me now express the Divine Idea in my…

            From Studies in Truth by Roy Eugene Davis: “Replace Harmful and Non-useful Habits With Constructive and Useful Habits.  Choose thoughts, emotions, behaviors, relationships, activities and environmental conditions that enhance your life and contribute to your total well-being. Avoid thoughts, moods, behaviors, relationships, activities and environmental conditions which are detrimental…

(Google picture) Dragonfly Spirit Animal & Totem By Elena Harris, SpiritAnimal.com Editor   The dragonfly totem carries the wisdom of transformation and adaptability in life.  As spirit animal, the dragonfly is connected to the symbolism of change and light.  When the dragonfly shows up in your life, it may remind you to bring a bit…

It is no wonder the bald eagle has scriptural references and such a significant symbolism for our country.  The eagle offers us Hope, Vision, Strength, Power, Freedom, Inspiration & Magnificence. When it  rains, most birds head for shelter.  The eagle is the only bird that in order to avoid the rain, flies above the clouds. …

Who is programming your mind?  Are you free or manipulated and controlled by the powers that be? Cultural Conditioning View: What do you want to be when you grow up? What job do you want? How much money do you need? Where do you want to live? Actualizing Your Full Potential View: Why am I here?…

Alice, age 39 and her son before the camp                Alice having fun                      Alice Herz-Sommer, also known as Alice Sommer, (26 November 1903 – 23 February 2014) was a pianist, music teacher, and supercentenarian from Bohemia, and a survivor of the Theresienstadt concentration camp, where she was sent by the Nazis because of her Jewish origins.  She…

One of my wife’s favorite passages on forgiveness and healing by Deepak Chopra in his book, The Deeper Wound: “Forgiveness belongs to the heart.  You can understand its value, you can believe that it is moral, good, upright and righteous to forgive – but if you don’t feel it, forgiveness is forced.  Countless times you…

“We are not responding to this instant if we are judging any aspect of it.  The ego looks for what to criticize.  This always involves comparing with the past.  But love looks upon the world peacefully and accepts.  The ego searches for shortcomings and weaknesses.  Love watches for any sign of strength.  Its sees how…

A wonderful metaphor: A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her.  She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up.  She was tired of fighting and struggling.  It seemed as one problem was solved, a…

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