Have a Magnificent Day!

                    I couldn’t imagine my life without you, your encouragement, your laughter, your love.   I thank God for the life we are able to share, the hopes and dreams and plans and more than anything, that I am able to share it all with you.…

              From The I Ching, by Brian Browne Walker: The I Ching teaches there are two kinds of enthusiasm: one leads to misfortune, and one leads to success.  You can proceed with confidence now if your enthusiasm is properly founded. Improper enthusiasm is fueled by the desires of the…

                              Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. blessings, 🙂 Lee The MEGA Coach          

                        Inside every person’s heart is love, goodness and kindness.  We are created in the image of God with the co-creative ability.  God is unconditional love. Unconditional love is all powerful.  It permeates and transcend everything.  See good in each other, see God in…

From “Open Your Mind to Prosperity” by Catherine Ponder: You cleanse your mind for prosperity and attract your good by first writing out what you want to eliminate from your life.  By writing out what you want to eliminate, you open the space and create a vacuum for what you want to manifest.  Just like…

                    “The Principle of Focused Attention has established the following as an absolute law; whatever you consistently hold the focus of your attention upon becomes the fabric of your future circumstances.” Dr. Mick Hall, “Let’s End Illness Now.” Beliefs, energetically translated into feelings, thoughts and emotions,…

                  When you want to give something of real value to another, give your gentle and focused attention.  When you seek to develop true understanding, listen with both your ears and heart. You build lasting relationships and intimacy and create great value by paying attention and being…

                  We wish you Health… So you may enjoy each day in comfort. We wish you the Love of friends and family… And Peace within your heart. We wish you the Beauty of nature… That you may enjoy the work of God. We wish you the Wisdom…

                If there is to be peace in the world, There must be peace in the nations. If there is to be peace in the nations, There must be peace in the cities. If there is to be peace in the cities, There must be peace between neighbors.…

From The Secret Door to Success by Florence Scovel Shinn: The way of abundance is a one-way street.  You are either heading for lack, or heading for abundance.  The person with a rich consciousness and the one with a poor consciousness are not walking on the same mental street. There is a lavish supply, divinely…

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