Have a Magnificent Day!

Roy Eugene Davis shared a message for the New Year: “There is a proven way to be assured of total well-being and progressive spiritual growth.  It is to attentively nurture optimistic mental attitudes, clear states of consciousness and constructive behaviors now that will allow our highest good to be experienced in all aspects of life. …

What is stopping you from being successful?  Are you aware there is very little difference between fear and excitement?  If you are becoming fearful, notice it and look for the fun and excitement.  Stay open, stay positive and encourage yourself with positive self talk and acknowledgement. What is your greatest fear? What are your belief…

From “The Secret Door to Success” by Florence Scovel Shinn: One of the most dramatic stories in the bible is the episode of the children of Israel crossing the Red Sea.  Moses was leading them out of the land of Egypt where they were kept in bondage and slavery.  They were being pursued by the…

I arrived at the address and honked the horn.  After waiting a few minutes I walked to the door and knocked.  ‘Just a minute’, answered a frail, elderly voice. I could hear something being dragged across the floor. After a long pause, the door opened.  A small woman in her 90’s stood before me.  She…

No matter how dark it may seem, there is always hope.  When you believe, hope springs eternal in spite of anything – even the most powerful evil. Faith is seeing the invisible and believing the incredible.  Trust your heart for it is your true eyes and ears.  Focus on the light, focus on the truth…

  Today is the day of my Amazing Good Fortune.  The Ground I Am On Is Harvest Ground. The Unexpected Now Happens, My Seemingly Impossible Good Now Comes to Pass. prosperously yours, 🙂 Lee The MEGA Coach      

“Beneath the temporary mental masks of those whose behavior I dislike, I see the perfect love of my great Beloved, even as I see it in those worthy souls that I love. To stop loving is to stem the purifying flow of love. I shall loyally love every being, everything, until I find all races,…

“Every person is a golden link in my chain of good.” Florence Scovel Shinn Everything is connected because everything is made up of energy.  All energy is created from the same original substance and by the creative force of the universe.  It is available to everyone and does not discriminate.  There is an abundance of this…

Meditation Benefits from Roy Eugene Davis: 1)   Reduced stress 2)   Strengthening of the body’s immune system 3)   Slowing of biological aging processes 4)   More orderly thinking 5)   Improved intellectual abilities 6)   Enhanced appreciation for enjoying life 7)   Greater ease in overcoming or renouncing addictive behaviors 8)   Spontaneous psychological transformation 9)   More obvious awakened spiritual consciousness…

From The Secret Door to Success by Florence Scovel Shinn: Faith is expectancy, “According to your faith, be it unto you.”  We might say, according to your expectancies be it done unto you; so, what are you expecting? We hear people say: “We expect the worst to happen,” or “The worst is yet to come.” …

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