Have a Magnificent Day!

You cannot serve two masters.  Do you choose love or fear, giving or taking, kindness or greed?  Every moment you have a choice.  The more you choose good over evil, positive over negative, life over death, you empower yourself and our planet.  Our world needs love, hope, inspiration, encouragement, giving, health and kindness. Your past…

From Florence Scovel Shinn, “The Game of Life.” The Divine Design: There is for each man, perfect self-expression.  There is a place which he is to fill and no one else can fill, something which he is to do, which no one else can do; it is his destiny! This achievement is held, a perfect…

Wise words from Florence Scovel Shinn, “The Game of Life.” People little dream of how their affairs react on the body.  There is a mental correspondence for every disease.  A person might receive instantaneous healing through the realization of his body being a perfect idea in Divine Mind, and therefore, whole and perfect. What man…

From this wonderful book: There is nothing too great of accomplishment for the man who knows the power of his word and who follows his intuitive leads.  By the word he starts in action unseen forces and can rebuild body or remold his affairs. It is, therefore, of the utmost importance to choose the right…

To have wonderful relationships you must be good to yourself and you will then be good to others.  You treat others only as well as you treat yourself. We are all human, most of us have negative patterns that can dominate the moment and a situation and create hurtful and destructive outcomes. How do you…

On this special day, the Jewish New Year, know that miracles are possible.  We are all connected and we are all God’s children with the same blessings for health, wealth and perfect self-expression. Today may there be peace within.  Trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be.  Remember the infinite possibilities that…

Life is an amazing adventure and you are here to actualize your divine, creative potential.  Challenges and trying times test your integrity and commitment to proper principles.  It is easy to feel good and make good choices when things are going well.  It is when you are under pressure that your true character reveals itself.…

God or the Universe does not make mistakes.  There are no accidents or coincidences.  This moment is perfect!  This is the way it is. Everything in your life has led up to this moment and these exact circumstances.  As they say in the game of poker, this is the hand you were dealt and this…

“Only 15% of a person’s success is due to their technical ability, while 85% is due to their ability to get along with people.” Catherine Ponder You can have wonderful, expressive, fun, empowering and fulfilling relationships!  The secret is that it starts with you because you attract and create your life.  Is your desire true…

Who is the most important person for your success?  Who is totally responsible for your experience and reality?  That’s right, it’s you!  You deserve the credit and acknowledgement for it all. If you are not happy or satisfied with any part of your life, your health, your relationships, financial position and success, there is only…

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