Have a Magnificent Day!

Do you have unconditionally loving and fulfilling relationships?  When you are with someone you are attracted to are you present in the moment with them?  Do you fully associate to the joy and fulfillment available?  Do you tune in to what’s going on with them and listen? Most people are so busy thinking about other…

From “The Power of the Spoken Word” by Florence Scovel Shinn All life is vibration.  You combine with what you notice, or you combine with what you vibrate to.  If you are vibrating to injustice and resentment you will meet it on your pathway, at every step.  You will certainly think it is a hard…

Accomplishment would have little meaning if it were too easy to come by.  The challenge and the effort make the goal worth having. How much fun would it be if every time you played golf you hit a hole in one?  How long would you continue playing the game? Your dreams that are difficult to…

Whatever you allow to hold you back will hold you back.  Whatever you allow to move you forward will move you forward. To maximize the moment, allow what is to be the way it is.  Allow people and situations to be the way they are. Be present in the moment and observe what is in…

Divine Restoration – “Open Your Mind to Prosperity” by Catherine Ponder: When you feel in control of desolate circumstances you are able to gain the blessings from them – so those challenges no longer control you. Those desolate years can be restored when you realize the great truth pointed out by Emerson in his essay…

Is it easier to fight the current and swim upstream rather than go with the flow of the river?  When you say yes to the moment you go with the flow and accept the way life is.  You tap into the power of the moment. Feel how good it feels to say yes! Feel how…

Do you notice how fast people are moving?  They are walking on the street and driving their cars while talking on their phones and even texting.  Computers, I pads, cell phones, emails, kindle……the beat goes on.  When most people have coffee together or share a meal, they are often on their cell phones and computer…

Hummingbirds know how to find the sweet juice.  They zero right in on the most beautiful flowers full of sweetness and nectar. Life offers you many choices.  Choose wisely to find your sweet juice.  People, opportunities and situations are not always what they appear to be.  They can also change in an instant. There is…

“If you shoot for the stars, even if you only hit the moon, you will be extremely successful!”      Marshall Papier Today marks the 25th anniversary of my Dad’s passing back in 1988.  Dad died relatively young at the age of 56, but he was a fireball of energy and did more in one day than…

Today we are facing many powerful challenges that greatly affect our lives and well being including the world economy, unemployment, global warming, food and water, education and health. The world and our county needs leadership with vision, honesty, integrity and compassion.  Our political process must transform into a system that works for the good of…

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