Have a Magnificent Day!

Even the most positive people have moments of doubt, negative thoughts and challenges.  Over the past year I am dealing with a back injury and trauma and doing everything possible to heal.  I have been to numerous doctors, specialists, physical therapists, massage therapists and healers.  After much time, energy and cost I am now starting…

At the core of your being is pure light.  Your natural essence is unlimited energy and clarity. It is the greatest challenges in your life that cause you to tap into your core strength.  These challenging moments help you discover your true essence and glory. This is when you experience the full brilliance and depth…

Life is amazing.  It becomes even more amazing when you tune into the details.  Give yourself the time to observe and discover the divine plan of this incredible universe. Look at this beautiful butterfly.  The color and design is incredible.  As you notice the little details it becomes even more spectacular. Can you see the…

Are you going total in your life?  This is what it takes to create excellence, passion, fun, empowerment and success.  When are you going to give yourself your full expression?  NOW is the time, NOW is all you have. If you tell yourself that you will do it tomorrow, or next week or next month,…

What would happen if you are so present and engaged in your life that your creativity and natural brilliance shine through?  What would you feel like?  What results would you create?  What impact and difference would you make in the world? It’s easy to complain about how tough life is, but the cost is you…

Are you having fun yet? Are you feeling good? Enthusiasm is contagious. No one can resist an enthusiastic person. Energy is powerful.  It cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be focused and directed. A positive attitude starts to build momentum in your thoughts, words and deeds. The better you think, the better you…

Vision, compassion, honor, justice and freedom.  These are important qualities and values that create transformation and empowerment.  Today’s challenges give you the opportunity to tap into these qualities.  Gandhi transformed the world and you can too! We all could use more compassion and truth.  You have the freedom of choice to not accept anything less…

“The major key to your better future is YOU.”   Jim Rohn What lies beneath the surface of you?  What lies hidden and waiting to be discovered?  What is your dream and burning desire? It is your true greatness, magnificence and brilliance.  It is your true essence and abundance.  It is your divine plan. Your current…

Everything in the universe is made of energy.  Like attracts like, so expect good things to come to you all the time in expected and unexpected ways. You have probably heard the expression “Attitude is everything.”  Have you heard that “Attitude is Altitude? How consistently you in think positive thoughts, have positive feelings and say…

There are no mysteries regarding your health and life. Every condition you have is a direct result of the principles you follow and the actions you take. Every symptom you have is the effect of a specific cause. The way you feed, exercise and care for your mind and body determines your level of health…

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