Have a Magnificent Day!

If there is light in the soul, there is beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there is peace in the heart.          Chinese proverb   Let your light be a beacon. Share your joy, compassion and…

Life is amazing. The power of belief and total commitment create incredible results. What is it that you truly want? Is it a burning desire deep inside your heart? What is the value and contribution? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen? Are you willing to make the necessary sacrifice?…

“80% of success is showing up!”     Woody Allen This is your life and it is definitely not a dress rehearsal.  This is it.  This moment is all you have.  Are you giving it your best? It does not matter what your situation or circumstances are.  It does not matter what you finances are,…

The Miracle of Elimination and Forgiveness From “Open Your Mind to Prosperity” by Catherine Ponder: “You cleanse your mind for prosperity and attract your good by first writing out what you want to eliminate from your life.  By writing out what you want to eliminate, you open the space and create a vacuum for what…

You can use your life, your situation, your circumstances to wake up or you can use it to put yourself further asleep.  It is your life, so it is your choice.  If you do not consciously make a choice, you are still making a choice. An article in Success Magazine reported, “Psychologists say 68% of…

A good friend called me and shared he was in a tough situation with his girlfriend.  Although he is a good and caring person, he was not able to create and enjoy harmony, intimacy, fulfillment and true communication with his partner – even though he really wanted to.  Men and women have different ways to…

Loving Kindness and Forgiveness are your keys to freedom. When something is wrong in your life, it is usually a sign that forgiveness is needed. To forgive means to let go, it does not mean you condone someone’s words or actions.  When you hold a grudge or judge another person you stick yourself to that…

From The I Ching or Book of Changes by Brian Browne Walker: “Preponderance of the Small” In a great storm the wise bird returns to her nest and waits patiently. During difficult and dangerous conditions you should not be seduced into struggling, striving or seeking solutions through aggressive action.  Success is met only by waiting…

From Catherine Ponder, “How To Live a Prosperous Life.” “To receive your Divine Heritage acknowledge God’s presence, power and intelligence.  In this way you link energies with the Creative and claim your benefits… as we follow His signals. Renew your mind through positive thinking, which is the expression of faith, confidence, certainty, optimism, the expectancy…

Right now are you looking at the good things and focused on the positive in your life? Are you counting your blessings? Positive energy and an attitude of gratitude will carry you through whatever challenges you are facing.  It takes just as much energy to be positive as it does to be negative. What is…

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