Have a Magnificent Day!

A wonderful metaphor: A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling.  It seemed as one problem was solved, a…

From the I Ching or Book of Changes by Brian Browne Walker: Revolution Devotion to truth enables a revolution. What enables this transformation is your conscious and vigorous adherence to correct thought and behavior.  No revolution in outer things is possible without a prior revolution in one’s inner way of being.  Whatever change you aspire…

Legends say that hummingbirds float free of time, carrying our hopes for love, joy and celebration.  Hummingbirds open our eyes to the wonder of the world and inspire us to open our hearts to loved ones and friends.   (PAPYRUS) Good morning my sweet hummer! I can see your eyes shining with God’s light as they…

From the I Ching or Book of Changes by Brian Browne Walker: The Taming Power of The Great In the face of rising tension, keep still.  Honor in practice what you have learned from the I Ching. A difficult and challenging time must be taken as an opportunity to express in the outer world our…

Thoughts are things. It is how you perceive life that creates your reality. You have the freedom of choice and with it you color your world. Your choices are based on your perceptions. Is the glass half full or half empty? Is the universe for you or against you? Are your perceptions accurate or are…

Wilma Rudolph was born prematurely at 4.5 lbs., the 20th of 22 siblings.  Her father Ed was a railway porter and her mother Blanche a maid.  Wilma spent her childhood in leg braces and special shoes; doctors had told her family that she would never walk normally. Because of racial segregation, she and her mother were…

From Catherine Ponder: The ancients knew a secret about the universe that you should know, too.  When you are aware of this universal truth, you can turn failure into success, disappointment into increased understanding and loss into gain. The secret is this: God, as a loving Father, has prepared unlimited, boundless good of each of…

Some good information from Dennis Waitley: In a way, human beings behave like bees.  If you place several bees in an open-ended bottle and lay the bottle on its side with the base toward a light source, the bees will repeatedly fly to the bottle bottom toward the light.  It never occurs to them to…

“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” Martin Luther King You are here to actualize your full, creative potential.  Deep inside of you is your heroic mission, your divine purpose.  All human beings are spiritual beings.  And all spiritual beings are blessed with infinite, divine potential. These past few…

Kimo’s Hawaiian Rules:   Never judge a day by the weather   The best things in life aren’t things   Tell the truth – there’s less to remember   Speak softly and wear a loud shirt   Goals are deceptive – the unaimed arrow never misses   He who dies with the most toys –…

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