Have a Magnificent Day!

“I can turn failure into success, disappointment into increased understanding and loss into gain.” Emerson Emerson stated in his essay “Compensation” that for everything you lose, you gain something.  For every loss there is a gain, so let go of the loss and accept the gain. Every situation is designed for your greatest growth.  The…

Nature abhors a vacuum.  To manifest something in your life it is wise to first clean out your closets.  Clean out the cobwebs of your mind.  Let go of any clutter in your life.  “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” Take a good look at your beliefs, values, attitudes, self-talk and patterns.  Look at the clothes…

We wish you Health… So you may enjoy each day in comfort. We wish you the Love of friends and family… And Peace within your heart. We wish you the Beauty of nature… That you may enjoy the work of God. We wish you Wisdom to choose priorities… For those things that really matter in…

From “The I Ching or Book of Changes” by Brian Browne Walker: “Those who persevere make continuous progress. Imagine a tree growing high on a mountaintop.  If this tree grows too fast, without first properly rooting itself, it becomes susceptible to being torn up and destroyed by the winds.  If, however, it establishes a proper…

“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found.  It is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay.  Small acts of kindness and love.  Why Bilbo Baggins?  Perhaps because I am afraid, and he gives me courage.”…

What is stopping you from being successful? There is very little difference between fear and excitement. If you think you are becoming fearful, notice it and look for the fun and excitement. Stay open, stay positive and encourage yourself with positive self talk and acknowledgement. What is your greatest fear? What are your belief systems…

Recent events and the tragedy in  Sandy Hook have encouraged people all over America and the world to look at violence and the use of guns.  Acts of terrorism and people hurting other people have occurred since the beginning of human history.  There is a way to peace.  Our wisest leaders, philosophers and teachers have…

No matter how dark it may seem, there is always hope. When you believe hope springs eternal in spite of anything, even the most powerful evil. Faith is seeing the invisible and believing the incredible. Trust your heart for it is your true eyes and ears. Many people are focusing on the negative situations and…

12/12/12 is a special combination of numbers. So much has been said about the end of time according to the Mayan calendar. According to the Maya, December 2012 will mark the end of a 5,126-year Mayan Calendar, and is a time of renewal, rebirth, renaissance and new beginnings. This day will be special because you…

This very moment is all that you have. Right now is the only time available to create what you want in your life. It does not happen in the future, it does not happen in the past. Your life happens right now. Do you expect good things to happen to you? Are you consistently open…

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