Have a Magnificent Day!

“Life presents us with challenges that we must overcome, And sometimes all the detours can leave the senses numb. Life is filled with stumbling blocks we pass along the way. But it can become a stepping stone when love comes into play. Whenever there’s an obstacle that we must rise above, It helps to overcome…

One of the wisest things you can do is to be present in your life. Accidents and mistakes happen when you are distracted and not paying attention. Technology is a double edged sword.  It offers many benefits of instant communication, access to information, shopping, maps and directions, etc.  However people also abuse technology.  Look around…

Movies are wonderful and can be inspirational acknowledgements of what is important in life.  Sometimes the most unusual movies provide valuable lessons.  Although “Nanny McFee Returns” may appear to be a children’s movie, its message should be learned and lived by the entire world.  The movie presents five key lessons that Nanny McFee teaches her…

A great story by John Cassidy of Centereach, New York The bank I frequent has a drive-through ATM, which is convenient because it saves me from having to get out and wait in a long teller line inside. For years, I’ve followed the same routine: I pull up to the machine, make my deposits or…

“Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue, And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true” Thanksgiving is a day we set aside to be with family and loved ones and share a special meal. It is a time to reflect on what we are thankful for. It is a time for…

“The Science to Becoming Excellent”, by Wallace D. Wattles Intro by Roy Eugene Davis: Because of our essential divine nature, we are designed to prosper – to thrive, to flourish and to be successful.  If we are not thriving, if we are not flourishing, if we are not being successful, we have lessons yet to…

1) Success- Through a consistent increase in the quality of your life. Pat Riley talks about having an “excellent game” and “game excellence,” which is consistent.  It is the difference between once and a while achieving excellence in a particular game, versus being excellent each and every game like Michael Jordan. Are you constantly increasing…

The people you spend the most time with contribute greatly to the quality of your life and success. These people are your “Circle of Influence” and your inner network.  The fact is that you learn the most from the examples and patterns of the people you spend your time with.  Your subconscious mind takes everything…

What if today is the day that you decide to be successful and manifest your deepest desires and outcomes? Is it possible, I mean is it just possible, that today, you make the choice to go forward with 100% commitment in your life and energy? What would happen if you let go of all of…

“Tough Times don’t build character, they reveal it.“ Today I was speaking with a good friend, Ed Lavin who lives in Far Rockaway, NY. Hearing his situation was very moving.  Ed lost his mother last month.  Now, given the devastation of the storm he is fortunate, as his apartment was not flooded or damaged by…

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