Have a Magnificent Day!

Sometimes you want to run and hide, but there is no place to go. Life is challenging when it is challenging and wonderful when it is wonderful.  These are the ebbs and flows of life and over the past few days Mother Nature has ravaged the eastern United States. The whole country and the world…

People around the world are watching with compassion and care the path of Hurricane Sandy on the east coast.  Much of my family lives in the NYC area and I grew up there.  Millions of people are without power and dealing with various challenging situations. Life has a way of showing you who’s in charge.…

What is the fastest way to feel good and turn your life around? Give…..and give with kindness and love. Doing good deeds, thinking good thoughts and having good feelings create good belief systems. It also feels so good.  Helping other people is an amazing way to create good for yourself in so many ways. When…

  Would you like to feel loved and satisfied in your relationships? Do you want to experience joy, happiness and fulfillment now? Do you want the most important people in your life to feel nurtured and loved? There are five main love languages. If your primary love strategy is not satisfied, you cannot feel totally…

One of our greatest blessings is that God sends us angels to help us on our path in life. These angels can take the form of special people and helpers who guide us with their love and kindness. Have you had someone special who made a difference in your life? Someone who encouraged you, nurtured…

” If a man would move the world, he must first move himself. “ Socrates You can’t move the world without moving yourself first.  So don’t waste a lot of your time and energy talking about doing it, just do it. You are more likely to accomplish something when you don’t tell people you are…

If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what you do not know you will fear.  What one fears one destroys…   The time will soon be here when my grandchild will long…

Life Is A Theater – Invite Your Audience Carefully: Not everyone is healthy enough to have a front row seat in your life.  There are some people in your life that need to be loved from a DISTANCE. It is amazing what you can accomplish when you let go of or at least minimize your…

Communication is your key to success in all areas of your life.  Your communication with yourself and others creates your reality, all outcomes and opportunities.  The most important person you communicate with is YOU!   Before you can accomplish anything for yourself or effectively communicate and work with anyone else, you must be clear and congruent…

Your beliefs and thoughts must be aligned to manifest. You must see yourself having it and be worthy to have it. You have to be congruent. Your belief systems create your values.  All decisions stem from your values and beliefs. This is your core truth and your foundation. You develop strong feelings, a vivid imagination…

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