Have a Magnificent Day!

Yes, you are a sacred being. You are a Spiritual Being created in God’s image with his love. You are a being of light, love, wisdom and grace. Now the question is are you living your highest potential? Are you treating yourself and others as the sacred beings that you are? Are you giving your…

Life is an incredible journey to your divine destiny. It is a process to discover your deepest truth and actualize your creative potential. Every moment is designed to give you exactly what you need to grow. This moment is exactly the way it is supposed to be. Is there any real benefit to resisting or…

God or the Universe does not make mistakes. There are no accidents or coincidences. This is the way it is. Everything in your life has led up to this moment and these exact circumstances. As they say in the game of poker, this is the hand you were dealt and this is the hand you…

“The Quality of my life is directly related to the quality of my communication, with myself and with others.” “Only 15% of a person’s success is due to their technical ability, while 85% is due to their ability to get along with people.” Catherine Ponder You can have wonderful, expressive, fun, empowering and fulfilling relationships!…

To find more keys click on      http://www.matchmadeinheavenbook.com/bookpromo/ Who is the most important person when it comes to creating wonderful relationships? You or me?  Well, both are important. Where does creating wonderful relationships begin? The answer is in yourself. The starting point is always me, because I am the source of my experience and my…

Tired of dating blind?      http://www.matchmadeinheavenbook.com/bookpromo/ Many people dread the dating game or at least certain aspects of it. What do you go through when it comes to dating? Is it a good or positive experience? How do you feel about talking with someone that you want to go out with? What are your thoughts,…

Do you have the kind of relationships you want? When you are with someone you are attracted to are you present in the moment with them? Do you fully associate to the joy and fulfillment available? I know it seems like a simple question, but most people are so busy thinking about things while they…

This week’s theme is Magical, Fulfilling Relationships. Do you have one with your special partner? Do you have magical, fulfilling relationships with your family, friends, co-workers and the people around you?  Maybe you have good relationships….could they be better?  Do you want them to be better?  Maybe you do not have any, don’t worry things…

Sandstone Wall, Antelope Canyon, Arizona by Dennis Flaherty (August section of Inner Reflections 2012 Calendar from the Self-Realization Fellowship.) “Darkness may reign in a cave for thousands of years, but bring in the light, and the darkness vanishes as though it had never been.  Similarly, no matter what your defects, they are yours no longer…

Commentary from Roy Eugene Davis,  “Truth Journal – Aug-Sept 2012” *See   1) To perceive with the eye. 2)T o have or to create a mental image (visualize). 3) To comprehend, understand or intuitively apprehend. It is normal for most people to acknowledge that the conditions and events they see with their eyes (and/or perceive…

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