Have a Magnificent Day!

“The things that I plan turn out great, but the things that just happen are even better.”                                       Lee W. Papier Making plans for your life is good and a wise thing to do. Yet, usually the most amazing things just happen in the moment. You must be open to what shows up and flexible…

Take a good look around and what do you see? How are people doing these days? What is the quality of our lives? Are we moving in the right direction? Do you notice how fast people are moving? They are walking on the street and driving their cars while talking on their phones and even…

Today we are facing many powerful challenges that greatly affect our lives and well being including the world economy, unemployment, global warming, food and water, education and health. The world and our county needs leadership with vision, honesty, integrity and compassion. Our political process is a disaster and does not work, which is demonstrated by…

At the core of your being is pure light. Your natural essence is unlimited energy and clarity. It is the greatest challenges in your life that cause you to tap into your core strength. It is these challenging moments that help you discover your true essence and glory. This is when you experience the full…

From “Keep Going” by Joseph M. Marshall III “Life gives and life takes,” the old man said.  “Life takes our time, and every day is one day closer to the end of our journey on this Earth.  It takes our efforts, our sweat, our best intentions, our noblest ideals, dreams and sacrifices…and still demands more. …

From “Keep Going – The Art of Perseverance” by Joseph M. Marshall III: A young man asked his grandfather why life had to be so difficult sometimes. This was the old man’s reply. Grandfather says this: “In life there is sadness as well as joy, losing as well as winning, falling as well as standing,…

From The I Ching – Book of Changes, by Brian Browne Walker: Give proper nourishment to yourself and others. Nourishment of your body and spirit is important and merits your conscientious attention. The I Ching teaches that if you wish to guage someone’s character, you should notice what he nourishes in himself and in others. …

What would happen if …….you are so present and engaged in your life that your creativity and natural brilliance shine through? What would you feel like?  What results would you create?  What impact and difference would you make in the world? It’s easy to complain about how tough life is, especially now when there is…

What lies beneath the surface of you? What lies hidden and waiting to be discovered underneath your many layers? What is your dream and burning desire? It is your true greatness, magnificence and brilliance. It is your true essence and abundance. It is your divine plan. This is your natural state. Your current life, your…

Your body is a brilliant, self-healing mechanism. There are no mysteries regarding your health and life. Every condition you have is a direct result of the principles you follow. Every symptom you have is the effect of a specific cause. The way you feed, exercise and care for your mind and body determines your level…

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