Have a Magnificent Day!

Chameleons are amazing creatures. They adapt to any environment and blend in. They blend in so well that they become almost invisible. Yet as you can see from this picture, chameleons are also quite colorful. You are also blessed with the ability to change and adapt to any situation, circumstance or environment.  You are very…

“The greater the Struggle, the more glorious the Triumph.” If life was easy, how much would you really grow? How much would you appreciate your progress, development and achievement? The greater the goal or achievement the more challenging and worthy the journey. If you played golf and hit a hole in one every time without…

From the I Ching by Brian Browne Walker: “There are times when even a superior person is undermined by the time. It is natural that inferior elements periodically come to the forefront. Adversity is often a stimulant to our spiritual growth. What is most important is the spirit in which we meet it. When challenging…

The good news is you are totally responsible for your life. The bad news is you are totally responsible for your life. On the surface and as portrayed by the media, we are facing the toughest financial climate and world economy since the Great Depression.  People have lost their jobs, home values and retirement accounts have…

Would you like to be here? Excellence is never an accident. It is a choice, a pattern and a definite picture. What is it that you desire? What is it that you want to create? This picture is an example of abundance and magnificence. It is an exclusive resort called Turtle Island. It is a…

“The Resurrecting Power of Love” by Catherine Ponder: The word resurrect means “to bring to view again…..to restore to life.” Man was created with a divine nature, in the image of God. Some of the great characters of the Old Testament tried to bring back to notice, to use, the divine nature of man.  Spiritual…

“Love Works a Healing Power,” by Catherine Ponder: When we hold resentment toward another, we are bound to that person or condition by a cosmic link and forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and be free. Since other people are children of God, there is really nothing to forgive.  They have not…

Catherine Ponder, “The Prospering Power of Love” Part III. The Healing Power of Release: In The Prophet, Kahlil Gilbran described the loving attitude of release in marriage: “Love one another, but make not a bond of love….let there be spaces in your togetherness…sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you…

“Love works A Healing Power,” by Catherine Ponder continued: Release is a form of forgiveness that we all need to practice often.  Although we usually think of emotional attachment as one of the highest forms of love, quite the opposite is true.  Emotional release is one of the highest forms of love.  Attachment leads to…

From Catherine Ponder, “The Prospering Power of Love:” There are definite, simple ways  you can pour out the healing power of love on your negative memories, so that you can be free of them forever.  As you do become free of these destructive emotions, you cease crucifying yourself and others and you are then ready…

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