Have a Magnificent Day!

Doing the Remarkable by Jim Rohn When it comes to meeting and conquering the negativity in your life, here is a key question: What can you do, starting today, that will make a difference?  What can you do during economic chaos?  What can you do when everything has gone wrong?  What can you do when…

What happens when life appears with a major challenge on your path? After all, it is only temporary and this too shall pass. First, do you acknowledge the situation and take a good, objective look? Do you have faith that even the biggest challenge will work out for the best? Life always gives you exactly…

from a friend: Focus your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. The next time you are about to say something and are not sure if you really ought to say it ask yourself: T—is it true?…

From the I Ching by Brian Browne Walker: If you persevere a great success is at hand. Imagine a blade of grass pushing against an obstacle as it sprouts out of the earth.  This is a sign that beyond the difficulties and pressures that surround you, a success lies waiting.  In order to bring it…

  Sometimes in life you can find yourself in interesting and challenging situations. You may ask yourself, how did I get here? Sometimes you are not sure how to move forward from your present situation.  It is wise to tune into your intuition and focus on the present. Observe what is around you and feel…

From Studies in Truth by Roy Eugene Davis Replace Harmful and Nonuseful Habits With Constructive and Useful Habits Choose thoughts, emotions, behaviors, relationships, activities and environmental conditions that enhance your life and contribute to your total well-being.  Avoid thoughts, moods, behaviors, relationships, activities and environmental conditions which are detrimental to your physical, psychological and spiritual…

From Catherine Ponder, “How To Live a Prosperous Life.” In order to receive our Divine Heritage we have to acknowledge God’s presence, power and intelligence.  In this way you link energies with the Creative and claim your benefits… we follow His signals. We renew our minds through positive thinking, which is the expression of faith,…

Cultural Conditioning: What do you want to be when you grow up? What job do you want? Where do you want to live? Actualizing Your Full Potential: Why are you here? What is your higher purpose for being on this earth? How can you transform yourself and your world? You have freedom of choice for…

  If some aspect of your life is not working, then seek to discover where you are not being honest with yourself.  Your perspective can be biased to see what you want to see. This will color your reality and hide the truth. The mind wants to be right. Your ego screams to be right.…

From The Book of Changes by Brian Browne Walker: Enthusiasm Proper enthusiasm opens every door. The I Ching teaches there are two kinds of enthusiasm: one that leads to misfortune and one that leads to success.  You can proceed with confidence now if your enthusiasm is properly founded. Improper enthusiasm is fueled by the desires…

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