Have a Magnificent Day!

Good things take time to build, yet just your decision and commitment immediately starts the process of its creation.  With every thought, word and deed, you are moving in that direction. Continue to focus your thoughts, energy, words and actions in the direction of what you want to create.  Feel how it would feel.  See…

A wise man suggested to me, “Sometimes God puts you on your back so you can look up.” These are challenging days for many people. These are the toughest financial times since the Great Depression for most of the world. Many people are finding themselves being forced to look up because they are on their…

  One day a farmer’s donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally he decided the animal was old, the well needed to be covered up anyway and it just wasn’t worth it to retrieve the donkey. He invited all…

Success is the sum of all of your efforts. No matter how good you are by yourself, You can achieve greater success with a team. A team will always outperform any individual because of synergy. Having more people, perspectives and creativity working on the same project will yield a superior result. Who is on your…

from my sweet honey….. GUIDANCE When I meditated on the word guidance, I kept seeing “dance” at the end of the word.  I remember reading that doing God’s will is a lot like dancing.  In dancing, when two people try to lead, nothing feels right.  The movement does not flow with the music, and everything…

My Great Uncle Lennie – 9/2011 “Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.” Sir James Barrie There are special people who grace our lives and enrich us. They make the world a better place. They have huge, unconditionally loving hearts. You just feel better when they are around.…

In the darkest darkness, love is more magnificent than ever. In the deepest sadness, hope has the strength to create anything. When the world seems to be against you, a positive action can bring miraculous results. When the burden of being is unbearably heavy, the spirit can fly to infinite heights. Love is the way. …

You are the source of your life. You are the source of your beliefs, values, actions and results. You are totally responsible for your life and choices. Often, life presents itself differently than we would like…..things happen. This could be in your personal relationships, health, home, financial situation, career, etc. Life is full of changes…

It is amazing how much information is being broadcasted on TV, The Internet & The Media. Politicians make their positions clear, reporters and the media use the drama to sell their point of view, governments take their stand for the world to see.  Yet the simplest and most sincere reality is hardly acknowledged or recognized.…

“Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.”   I remember hearing these words every time I went to see Eric Butterworth’s Sunday Service at Avery Fisher Hall in NYC.  They are nice words, beautiful words and they may be the first steps to consciously creating peace.  Most importantly, we need…

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