Have a Magnificent Day!

No matter how dark it may seem, there is always hope. When you believe in spite of any appearance hope springs eternal. Faith is seeing the invisible and believing the incredible. Trust your heart for it is your true eyes and ears. Many people are focusing on the financial challenges and economy. The real problem…

  People are the greatest resource in the world. Do you realize how important you are? Do you acknowledge the difference you make? Your beliefs, your thoughts, your words and your actions impact every other person and the world. Like a stone that is thrown into a lake, the ripples expand infinitely and permeate the…

  From Fabulous Francesca and her reading: Seedtime and Harvest This is the story of a couple living in Sacramento, California, who refused to accept the evidence of their senses, who refused to be robbed, in spite of a seeming loss.  The wife had given her husband a very valuable wristwatch.  The gift doubled its…

from a friend…. I arrived at the address and honked the horn. After waiting a few minutes I walked to the door and knocked. ‘Just a minute’, answered a frail, elderly voice. I could hear something being dragged across the floor. After a long pause, the door opened.  A small woman in her 90’s stood…

  One of my greatest fears was a fear of heights, so I jumped out of a plane with a parachute in a tandem jump in 1986.  The feeling was beyond words and to this day, I draw strength from it. Such a powerful experience shattered those fears and belief systems and it turned out to be so…

from my sweet honey: Entwined … my heart and yours, intricately and beautifully as true soul mates and partners stronger because we’re together. Encircled… our home and our family, by grace and love that grows with us as we share life’s journey. Enriched… our life together, through giving and understanding, support and encouragement, friendship and…

  With a clear and meaningful purpose comes the motivation and the energy to follow that purpose. When you are clear and sure of what you want to create and why, you will find everything necessary to handle the how. Do you have trouble staying motivated, or keeping yourself focused, or following through on your…

  It is amazing how life works. Do you realize that everything is connected? “Every person is a golden link in my chain of good.” Florence Scovel Shinn Everything is made up of energy. All energy is created from the same original substance and by the creative force of the universe.  It is available to…

Being present is about being fully alive. You feel inspired and connected to life. It only happens now. Being in tune with nature brings you more into the present moment. It connects you with your heart and gratitude. Let yourself feel what you are feeling. This moment is life giving and life provides everything you…

  “Every day should be a day of Thanksgiving for all the gifts of Life — for sunshine, water, and the luscious fruits and greens which we receive as indirect gifts from the Great Giver.” Paramahansa Yogananda   Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday and tradition. Why only give thanks one day a year? Every day…

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