Have a Magnificent Day!

We Wish You….. We wish you Health… So you may enjoy each day in comfort. We wish you the Love of friends and family… And Peace within your heart. We wish you the Beauty of nature… That you may enjoy the work of God. We wish you Wisdom to choose priorities… For those things that…

Your beliefs empower your thoughts and the quality of your life. Your beliefs establish your values which determine all of your decisions and actions. I was listening to a seminar today and a successful businessman said, “Fear and Greed are strong emotions that determine people’s actions.”  Fear and greed are strong emotions and if left…

  Movies are wonderful, they can be inspirational  and acknowledgements of what is important in life.  Sometimes the most unusual movies provide valuable lessons.  Although Nanny McFee Returns may appear to be a children’s movie, its message should be learned and lived by the entire world.  The movie presents that there are five lessons that…

“Once you make a decision the universe conspires to make it happen.” Ralph Waldo Emerson Everything in the universe supports your growth. You are here to actualize your divine and infinite potential. There are no failures, only learning experiences. If it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger. True success is based on gradual and…

The wheel of life is turning. Days are getting shorter as winter approaches. This is a time to prepare for new growth, to renew. This is the time to trim and prune the rose bushes for new growth. As you approach Thanksgiving and the holiday season, what is it in your life that you want…

Invite Your Audience Carefully: Not everyone is healthy enough to have a front row seat in our lives. There are some people in your life that need to be loved from a DISTANCE. It is amazing what you can accomplish when you let go of or at least minimize your time with draining, negative, incompatible…

  On one hand, our planet is experiencing the greatest breakthroughs in medicine, science and technology in our history.   Yet at this time, people are facing challenges around the world in ways never experienced before.  It could be in your health, your attitude, your faith, your relationships, your work or your financial situation. Every day…

Today is a miraculous day. It is 11/11/11 and people around the world are meditating for peace, harmony and abundance for all. There are people in every country praying, meditating and awakening. What a glorious world alignment, especially at 11/11am and 11/11pm on 11/11/11. This is a wonderful moment to give yourself the grace to…

The greatest mystery of the universe is inside of you. Your entire being is a miracle. The body is a miraculous, self-healing mechanism. Your energy can never be destroyed, it just changes form. Who are you? What are you? Why are you here? What are you going to do with your time and energy? Life…

  What can you do to live a happy, healthy and successful life? Following your life’s purpose and proper principles is a good start. Another key ingredient is letting go of any negative and limiting beliefs and patterns. This is the process of transformation. One of the most powerful ways to transform any limitation is…

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