Have a Magnificent Day!

  What lies within you is amazing, unlimited potential. Your true essence, your special talent and abilities, your loving spirit. You are a unique, Spiritual Being here to do something that only you can do. You have a place to fill that no one else can. The journey is for you to discover what you…

After 33 years on 60 Minutes, Andy Rooney recently retired. Here are some of his wonderful comments: ENLIGHTENED PERSPECTIVE by Andy Rooney  I’ve learned…. That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person. I’ve learned…. That when you’re in love, it shows. I’ve learned…. That just one person saying…

  One day a farmer’s donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally he decided the animal was old, the well needed to be covered up anyway and it just wasn’t worth it to retrieve the donkey. He invited all…

  You have the power to create whatever you want. You are a creator. You are made of energy and can channel your creative energy however you want to. Your energy and resources are precious. Use them wisely and for the best of all concerned. Be an inspiration by your energy and example. This is…

  You cannot serve two masters. Do you choose love or fear, giving or taking, kindness or selfishness and greed? The clock is ticking…. Every moment you have a choice. And the more you choose good over evil, positive over negative, life over death, you empower yourself and our planet.  Our world needs love, hope,…

  Success is 80% attitude and 20% aptitude. What do you want; success or failure? If you want to know where you are in your life, just look at your current situation and results. Acknowledge the truth of what is and you will clearly see you current commitment level to success. No judgment, just the…

  The Way to the Kingdom or your path to success is right in front of you. All you have to do is follow The Golden Rule and Proper Principles. It is simple, but may not be easy. You enter the Kingdom when you help people with sincere care and intention. By giving to others…

  “Man is all imagination; therefore, man must be where he is in imagination, for his imagination is himself.  To realize that imagination is not something tied to the senses or enclosed within the spatial boundary of the body is most important.  Although man moves about in space by movement of his physical body, he…

  More from “The Law and The Promise” by Neville: How do you shift or transform your reality to achieve your true desire and highest potential? “You must abandon yourself mentally to your wish fulfilled in your love for that state, and in so doing, live in the new state and no more in the…

From “The Law and The Promise” by Neville: The world in which we live is a world of imagination.  In fact, life itself is an activity of imagining. “The world originates in a divine activity identical with what we know ourselves as the activity of imagination.” Nothing appears or continues in being by a power…

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